
Apache rewrite url in wsgi site

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This is my apache site with wsgi application. What I need is add string "Auth_Basic" between last slashes in the request. Request can be different anytime. Example:

<VirtualHost *:11168>
    ServerName localhost

    LogLevel rewrite:trace8
    WSGIProcessGroup axess_app

    RewriteRule ^(.*\/[^\/]+\/)([^\/]+\/?)$ $1Auth_Basic/$2 [L]
    WSGIScriptAlias / /opt/app/parts/mod_wsgi_app/wsgi
    SetEnv is_app_pipeline True


There is problem with non-existing document_root /var/www/html and I am getting code 404 go-ahead with /var/www/html/asd/lala/Auth_Basic/app [OK]

I need to do it on this site, I can´t use another nginx/apache in the flow before this site. How to make rewrite rule working beside the wsgi script ?

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