
Keepalived split brain issue

bv flag

I have issue with keepalived on Oracle Linux 8. The VIP is assigned to both nodes and both nodes are in MASTER mode.

My keepalived configuration is:

Node 1 cat /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf

global_defs {
  vrrp_priority -20
  checker_priority -19
  script_user root

vrrp_script chk_haproxy {
  script "/usr/bin/killall -0 haproxy" # check the haproxy process
  interval 2 # every 2 seconds
  weight 2 # add 2 points if OK
  timeout 3
  fall 3

vrrp_instance VI_1 {
  interface ens192 # interface to monitor
  state BACKUP # MASTER on haproxy1, BACKUP on haproxy2
  virtual_router_id 52
  priority 101 # 101 on haproxy1, 100 on haproxy2
  virtual_ipaddress {
   VIP_adcat /vardress  # virtual ip address
  track_script {

Node 2 cat /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf

global_defs {
  vrrp_priority -20
  checker_priority -19
  script_user root

vrrp_script chk_haproxy {
  script "/usr/bin/killall -0 haproxy" # check the haproxy process
  interval 2 # every 2 seconds
  weight 2 # add 2 points if OK
  timeout 3
  fall 3

vrrp_instance VI_1 {
  interface ens192 # interface to monitor
  state BACKUP # MASTER on haproxy1, BACKUP on haproxy2
  virtual_router_id 52
  priority 100 # 101 on haproxy1, 100 on haproxy2
  virtual_ipaddress {
   VIP_adress  # virtual ip address
  track_script {

I have added rules to firewall:

firewall-cmd --list-all

public (active)
  target: default
  icmp-block-inversion: no
  interfaces: ens192
  sources: here are ip addreses of both nodes
  services: cockpit dhcpv6-client ssh
  ports: 3306/tcp 3305/tcp
  forward: no
  masquerade: no
  rich rules:
   rule family="ipv4" destination address="" accept
   rule family="ipv4" destination address="" protocol value="ip" accept
   rule protocol value="vrrp" accept

When I disable firewalld everything is ok and working, but with started firewalld I get both nodes with VIP.

In the logs I can find log: Keepalived_vrrp[1077307]: (VI_1) Receive advertisement timeout

Any ideas?

ye flag

If when firewall is down it`s working, but when firewall is up it`s not, than is the issue with firewall.

Can you check this via tcpdump.

But this same issue of keepalived and firewall is in example here:

tested you resolve from this questions?

zerozg avatar
bv flag
I have saw that earlier and tried but still not working. RHEL 8/oracle linux 8 does not use classic ip tables.
liske1 avatar
ye flag
But I see on you firewall you have only destination address.. and not port 51. Please add rules with source address for input traffic, and port 51 TCP for source from hostA and hostB, and check
zerozg avatar
bv flag
Why port 51? I have added port 51, but that didn't help.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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