I want to set up a local Ionic and Supabase environment to test third party integrations such as payment providers using Supabase Edge Functions. I noticed 1 ngrok tunnel wouldn't suffice, because i need both a redirect url and webhook url to test the payment integration.
My thought was that i would like to spin up an ngrok tunnel and an nginx load balancer to redirect to my Ionic App and my Supabase local stack. So i can also use it for other projects with this technique
Current state
I have nginx running in docker that is configured to listen on 8080 on my host, and internally on 80.
I have an ngrok tunnel that I can access over
that forwards to localhost:8080
Ionic App is working on localhost:8100
Supabase Studio is working on localhost:54323
Supabase API is working on localhost:54321
worker_processes 1;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
include mime.types;
server {
listen 80 default_server;
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
location /app {
proxy_pass http://host.docker.internal:8100;
location /supabase {
proxy_pass http://host.docker.internal:54323;
/usr/share/nginx/html/index.html is a simple landing page with buttons to go to either the Ionic App or to Supabase Studio
- The redirects work. But the Ionic app is unable to load JS files because it is loading from the base domain.
Loading failed for the <script> with source “”.
It actually should load from
- The redirect to Supabase Studio is not working either, it just returns a 404..
I tried:
absolute_redirect off;
Link. Result is the same, no loading of js
return 301 " /app";
Link. Result is dial tcp connect: connection refused
add_header Location "/app";
content_by_lua 'ngx.exit(301)';
Link. Result is dial tcp connect: connection refused
try_files $uri $uri/app
Link. Result is dial tcp connect: connection refused
- Is this even possible?
- What is a good setup for this?
Thanks in advance for any help.