
Tun interface name changes

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I have a freenas truenas jail connected to the internet using openvpn. the ipfw rule only allows communication through the tun interface that openvpn creates

Now, this tun interface used to be always (several years) just tun0 but recently (some months ago) it changed to tun1. it took me sometime to understand that ipfw was blocking all traffic because the tunnel name changed. I thought there must have been some update, just edited the ipfw rules and moved on.

Today, the tun interface name went back to tun0, and that's too much, I need this to be stable and work without me checking every time openvpn restarts.

I looked into the answers to this question, which suggests to rename the name of the tunnel in the dev line of the config. I've tried that, setting dev tun0 but openvpn will not connect with this entry in the config (no error, service openvpn status says started but connection will not go out)

Is there another method to restrict the name of the tun interface? Thanks,

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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