
How to take ownership of all contents in CSC folder?

hr flag

I have files that was saved as offline files from a Synology server to the CSC folder on my computer that I would like to delete. I cannot delete the files unless I individually take ownership of every file and folder within the CSC folder. I have tried taking ownership of all containers within the folder as the admin, which has been unsuccessful. It says I have full control over the folder, but when I attempt to take control of all objects within the container, I receive a notification saying "An error occurred while applying security information... Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied." I have attempted to go through the command line and through the registry editor to clear that folder, but still no success. Is there anything else that I haven't tried to delete these files?

cn flag
What commands have you tried from an elevated command prompt?
smithalysia92 avatar
hr flag
I have used: C:\>takeown /f <foldername> /r /d y in attempt to take ownership of everything in the folder. I have access to the folder itself, but not to the other subfolders and files in the CSC folder to delete them.
cn flag
You may want to try using SysInternals psexec and run it as system. `psexec.exe -s -i cmd.exe`. Run the commands as system.
cn flag

Let Windows do that for you:


A reboot will reset your CSC and clean up all the files there. Taken from where is also a script to do that manually (using psexec and takeown).

cn flag
Good info. Also here:
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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