
Why can't ssh run rbenv in the shell?

ch flag

I'm trying to run a bash script on a remote server to install ruby via rbenv.

# ssh [email protected] 'bash -s' <

echo "ruby 3.2.1"
rbenv install 3.2.1 --verbose
rbenv global 3.2.1

On a remote server rbenv is already installed for the user deploy. If I log into that server, it runs OK.

❯ ssh [email protected]
deploy@ubuntu-focal:~$ rbenv
rbenv 1.2.0-59-g0704e65
Usage: rbenv <command> [<args>...]

But if we try to run the command over ssh, it can't be found.

❯ ssh [email protected] "rbenv"
bash: rbenv: command not found

Same problem with the script.

❯ ssh [email protected] 'bash -s' <
ruby 3.2.1
bash: line 5: rbenv: command not found
bash: line 6: rbenv: command not found
bash: line 7: ruby: command not found
bash: line 9: gem: command not found
bash: line 10: gem: command not found
ar flag

In short, $PATH is not set.

Bash, when started in interactive mode or as login shell, reads a few config files, such as .profile and .bashrc:

  Do not read either the system-wide startup file /etc/profile  or
  any   of  the  personal  initialization  files  ~/.bash_profile,
  ~/.bash_login, or ~/.profile.   By  default,  bash  reads  these
  files  when  it  is invoked as a login shell (see INVOCATION be-

--norc Do  not  read  and  execute  the  personal  initialization  file
       ~/.bashrc if the shell is interactive.  This option is on by de-
       fault if the shell is invoked as sh.

From man bash. You start a non-login, non-interactive shell.

Either, your script should:

  1. source ~/.bashrc
  2. Specify $PATH on it's own
  3. Use absolute paths
port5432 avatar
ch flag
Thank you @vidarlo, the `source` didn't work, but setting the `$PATH` did.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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