
How to point a domain to another e-mail domain?

ca flag

I've got a domain in the format which I use for my e-mail address with a paid e-mail provider. Now, I'm considering to use a second domain in the format as an "alias" for

The reason is that I want to prevent confusion over whether the hyphen in the domain is correct or not (the "correct" domain is, i.e. with the hyphen).

Basically, what I want to achieve is that when someone incorrectly sends an e-mail to [email protected], it will still be correctly sent to [email protected]. Though, I don't want to just connect a second domain to my e-mail account. Instead, I want to configure some DNS record that "redirects" any e-mails before they're even received by the mail server.

I prefer this solution, because adding a second domain to my e-mail account would require me to pay double the current subscription price, when I don't even want to send e-mails from that second domain, for example.

I've heard of CNAMEs – can they be used for that?

Thank you!

vidarlo avatar
ar flag
You have to talk with your e-mailprovider. There's many ways to solve this, but ultimately the method **has** to be supported by your provider.
in flag

I want to configure some DNS record that "redirects" any e-mails before they're even received by the mail server.

There is no such record.

To clarify: the DNS record governing where senders should deliver e-mail is the MX record. That MX DNS record routes e-mail to servers (not mailboxes) and provides no other capabilities and certainly no address rewriting functionality.

The sender will (attempt to) deliver a message to a mail server listed in the MX records for that domain and then the configuration on the receiving the mail server(s) determines if the message will be accepted, rejected and or delivered to particular mailbox.

The receiving mail server is typically where you would configure that mail for both the and should be accepted and either that those two domains are equivalent and/or mail for [email protected] should be delivered to the same mailbox as mail addressed to [email protected]

It depends on the mail provider if and when they do: how they support that. A term you sometimes find is an "alias domain".

Pixelcode avatar
ca flag
Thank you! It seems Zoho and ForwardEmail are great alternatives that I'll use instead.
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