
Cannot authorize WiFi user on FortiGate via LDAP

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I am using Fortigate + FortiAP for WiFi. The WiFi is working, I can connect to it via for example WEP password. However, I want to authorize all my LDAP (Windows Standard 2019 AD) users vie WPA Enterprise and I have problem with it. Fortigate + LDAP is working (I am using my Domain Users to login on my Forti, so there is no problem). I see my OU's and all users, and still. On SSID I have authorization via LDAP, I selected my LDAP server (which I am using to authorize on my fortigate, when I am accessing the administrator panel via www). What I am missing? Regards

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For this configuration FortiGate + Windows AD (LDAP) you need RADIUS (NPS) Server (802.1X)

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