I am using mod_userdir to share files using mod_autoindex to generate a directory index for people to browse and access them, and due to the retina burning nature of the default CSS I wish to rework the CSS to something darker. While I can do this with my README for each page, I would prefer to not need to include a README for each directory.
This is the css I used for style in my README.html
, where it works fine, and what I copy pasted it into a style.css
body {
background-color: black;
color: white;
a:link {
color: green;
a:visited {
color: yellow;
a:hover {
color: red;
a:active {
color: red;
And here is my .htaccess
file contents.
IndexOptions FancyIndexing HTMLTable FoldersFirst IgnoreCase SuppressDescription SuppressHTMLPreamble SuppressLastModified VersionSort SuppressColumnSorting IconsAreLinks NameWidth=30
IndexStyleSheet "/style.css"
I have tried putting an absolute path to my style.css
as IndexStyleSheet "/home/user/public_html"
. I have also tried moving the file to /home/user/public_html/css
and copying the example from the documentation found here: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/mod/mod_autoindex.html#indexstylesheet