
Apache2 ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse Not Working

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I am trying to redirect a online website such as for example to a website using cloudflare such as The problem is that you can not obtain the IP address from a website using cloudflare which means we can not use a DNS since it needs the IP address where it needs to redirect to.

So I found something on Apache2 using Kali Linux VMware that uses a Reverse Proxy. I don't 100% know how exactly it works but I know it gets the same result as a DNS server. Instead you need the URL and the IP, you need the domain and the URL. Getting the IP of a website using cloudflare denies direct access and can only be forwarded with a HTTP query.

I searched around online but only ChatGPT got me this far but still doesn't fix the issue.

So I have a conf file in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ named ReverseProxy.conf with the following code:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ProxyPreserveHost On
    ProxyPass /
    ProxyPassReverse /

I also have installed two mods named proxy and proxy_http and have them installed using the a2enmod command.

Whenever I start or restart Apache2 nothing changes (visiting remains amazon). I've tried changing the PORT to 443 or adding "www." before but that doesn't work.

I saw something that I need a valid SSL but I don't understand why I need it and how to add it.

Could anyone please explain or help me solving this issue?

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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