
Bacula fileset wildcards: how include /folder/(arbitrary string)/uploads but exclude /folder/(arbitrary string)/whatever/uploads

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I'm creating an exclude rule for bacula so it doesn't take care of some cache and temporary uploads folders inside a filesystem. But I'm failing to write it

Suppose this filesystem


Main backup rule says

File = /filestore

And exclude rule

wilddir = "/filestore/*/uploads/

But will match all "uploads" folders. Is there any simple way/wildcard/regex to match only the first level uploads folder. To be clear:

/filestore/user1/uploads #match
/filestore/user1/user_files/uploads # not match
/filestore/user2/uploads #match
Gonzalo Cao avatar
cn flag
sorry, typo filestore vs filestorage
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Finally I found it, you can do it with regexp but in this particular case you have to ensure that work with Bacula

  regexdir = "/filestore/[^/]+/uploads"
  regexdir = "/filestore/[^/]+/cache"

instead of using Wilddir which only works with wildcards. Bacula documentation says using regexp is less efficient but mandatory in this case.

There's a very useful command called "bregex" that allow you to test bacula regex engine without having to go through the full scheduling process.

I will edit Question title to make it clear for other people that could be interested in.


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