
Is there a method of performing "local arp" requests on linux

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I have some code that performs an arp-scan, I wondered if there was a way within a single machine to have "something" respond to arp-scan within the same host.

I've tried a few things so far like macvlans/ipvlans (l2) etc but I think perhaps it's just not possible due to the nature of ARP.

The flow is this:

I have an application that performs an arp-scan on startup, and I want to "mock" a response to the arp-scan so it gets the mac and IP address of another interface on the same host.

Ginnungagap avatar
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What is the overall aim for this? It sounds like an XY problem...
Vercingatorix avatar
ar flag
Try proxy ARP maybe?
Alan Hollis avatar
ug flag
I've added some detail to the question. I've looked at proxyarp but I again couldn't get it to work.
Alan Hollis avatar
ug flag
Also I've never heard of an xy problem before, this could well be one. The easiest solution would be to just modify the code so that it doesn't actually need a proper arp response, but this nerd sniped me in a way where it looks like this should sort of be possible, but then again might not ;)
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