
A more detailed explanation of what bindnetaddr is?

in flag

Reading the documentation, I'm seeing:

This specifies the network address the corosync executive should bind to.
For example, if the local interface is with netmask, set bindnetaddr to If the local interface is with netmask, set bindnetaddr to, and so forth.

This may also be an IPV6 address, in which case IPV6 networking will be used. In this case, the full address must be specified and there is no automatic selection of the network interface within a specific subnet as with IPv4.

If IPv6 networking is used, the nodeid field must be specified.

This doesn't really tell me anything.

If my machine has multiple physical network cards, or a bond with multiple vlans, do I have to set them all, or just the ones I'll be assigning ip addresses to?

From testing, it seems like it doesn't matter. Setting it to only 1 network still allows me to assign ip adresses to other ones.

Can someone give more detail on the purpose of this?

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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