
RegEx passed by CSV file not working in PowerShell

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Hi I have a script trying to pull out the price value from a html file. the Regex works when I assign it in the script but when I put the regex in CSV, it refuses to give me the result. Could someone help with this?

$htmlcontent = Get-Content ".\Temp.html" -Raw
$priceregex = "(?<=<span class=""a-offscreen"">\$)[\d\.]+"
Write-Host "Regex value is: " $priceregex
IF ($htmlcontent -match $priceregex){$Matches[0]}else{"Not found"}
$csvdata=Import-Csv .\WebMonitor-A.csv
Write-Host "Regex from CSV file is: " $priceregex
IF ($htmlcontent -match $priceregex){$Matches[0]}else{"Not found"}

The html file content looks like this:

<div class="a-section a-spacing-micro">                <span class="a-price aok-align-center" data-a-size="xl" data-a-color="base"><span class="a-offscreen">$10.95</span><span aria-hidden="true"><span class="a-price-symbol">$</span><span class="a-price-whole">10<span class="a-price-decimal">.</span></span><span class="a-price-fraction">95</span></span></span> 

I have this in CSV file as a column (Regex):

(?<=<span class=""a-offscreen"">\$)[\d\.]+
mfinni avatar
cn flag
Cliff avatar
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@mfinni Interesting reading. a little bit over-killing. I have never seen an expert gives another solution other than giving you a correct regex, which means the other solution (XML parser?) might not be understood by most of the geeks or it's not good enough in some ways (easy,quick...etc).
cn flag

Issue :
When you give the RegEx in the Script , Certain Characters (like Quotes) must be escaped. Hence what you have given is working.

When you give the RegEx in the Textfile Eg CSV , those Characters need not be escaped.
You are still escaping those , hence that will not match.

Solution :
In the CSV text file , give this RegEx :

(?<=<span class="a-offscreen">\$)[\d\.]+

Here , the Quotes (around the Class Name) must not be escaped.

That will work.

Cliff avatar
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Thanks, @Prem. It worked.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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