
DHCP Renew vs rebind timers

mh flag

Windows DHCP, FortiGate relay. No rule that allows for direct renew from PC -> DHCP serwer that gave the IP. 20 minutes expiration timer, 10 for renew, 17.30 for rebind.

What happens:

  • After 10 minutes I see that renew process goes off 3x times in a row. PC asks its dhcp serwer, gets a deny because no rule is active for direct communication.

  • Than it uses broadcast to do the renew, and it succeeds (relay mode).

  • What I've found is that this renew should be 1x after 10m, 1x after 15m, and the third time maybe should not happen as it overlaps with rebind.

I'm I wrong here in understanding the process? To me rebind timer means that it should use broadcast as a mean to renew its IP. But why doesn't it happen by the book?

cn flag
Renew is 50% of lease time. Rebind is 87.5% of lease time. I don't believe it is valid to expect the Renew process to stop when Rebind is entered, but if that is what you are asking, you should explicitly state that. And the platform version(s).
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