
Windows NPS Logs - How to decode the class (25) attribute?

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I'm wondering if there is a specific format for the "Class" attribute in Windows NPS logs.

Specifically, I'm looking at logs from Windows Server 2019 which are under %SystemRoot%\System32\LogFiles\NPS and have the filename format of INYYMMDD.log (e.g. IN230317.log).

I understand the logs for the most part, especially with help from:

Microsoft's "Interpret IAS Format Log Files" and DEEPSOFTWARE's "List of ias attributes"

The part I'm having trouble understanding is the ID 25, which maps to Attribute "Class":

25,311 1 02/26/2023 01:41:56 10438

The IP address is the server's own and I can see a date and time but this specific log is from March 23rd, 2023. Every log line in this specific file has the same date so I suppose it could be the last time the service was started but that's just a guess.

From looking through the "Client-Vendor" attributes via the DEEPSOFTWARE site it's indicating that 311 is Microsoft, which makes sense.

While I'm writing this I looked a bit closer at the "10438" and it seems to be a unique ID for each two entries, it increases sequentially.

So perhaps I've answered my own question... except for the "1" -- does anyone know what it means? Every line seems to contain it.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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