
"smtp_header_checks" in postfix not including the header

es flag

I am trying to add AWS SES's X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET header in my postfix. For this I am using smtp_header_checks as follows:

My has the following line:

smtp_header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/header_checks

header_checks file is as follows:

/^From:/ PREPEND X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET: <name_of_my_config_set>

When I send mail, I dont see any header with name X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET

What do I need to fix to get this header? My postfix version is 3.4

Edit: I looked both in and for receive_override_options and I dont see it in either files

anx avatar
fr flag
Are you actually submitting the mail to an affected `smtp` service (not overriding cleanup service to one with alternate header checks)? Did you try the `WARN` command in place of `PREPEND` to trigger a log? Did you review postfix startup logs noting a failure to parse or [utilize]( your header_checks file? style note: use `postconf -M` and `postconf -n` to dump settings.
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