
Windows Feature Update Silent Install

ar flag

We are trying to push out the latest Windows Feature update via our RMM but when running it doesn't appear to do anything. We've tried running the following:

PowerShell Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Windows\Temp\Windows10Update.exe -ArgumentList "/quietinstall /skipeula /auto upgrade"

Shell Command C:\Windows\Temp\Winodws10Update.exe /quietinstall /skipeula /auto upgrade

We've run both through a script through the RMM and directly on the workstations in PS ISE and CMD prompt with no luck. I'm assuming I maybe the switches are wrong but I can't find anything to indicate so. I've also disable the UAC.

Don't see anything apparent in event log erroring out either.

by flag

Look like your command contain syntax error, the corrected version would be:

for Powershell: Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Windows\Temp\Windows10Update.exe" -ArgumentList "/quietinstall /skipeula /auto upgrade"

and for Command Prompt: C:\Windows\Temp\Windows10Update.exe /quietinstall /skipeula /auto upgrade

Also be sure that Windows10Update.exe is in C:\Windows\Temp"

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