
Error while customizing selinux policy for domain

vi flag

I am following the steps outlined under this link to customize selinux policy for specific domains (types).

For the domain systemd_tmpfiles_t, I get the following suggestion from audit2allow for a denial logged:

        type default_t;
        type systemd_tmpfiles_t;
        class file map;


#!!! This avc can be allowed using the boolean 'domain_can_mmap_files'
allow systemd_tmpfiles_t default_t:file map;

Based on the procedure outlined in the above link, I do

echo "allow systemd_tmpfiles_t default_t:file map" >> custom_rules.te

and get the following error:

ERROR 'unknown type default_t'

I had generated the custom_rules.te by means of the following command:

sepolicy generate --customize -d systemd_tmpfiles_t -n custom_rules.te

And in the generated custom_rules.te, I can see only the following rule:

             type systemd_tmpfiles_t

How can I resolve this issue causes due to the type default_t not being known to the generated custom_rules.te?

Appreciate your thoughts.


by flag

The default_t type is missing from your generated custom_rules.te file.

You should open the custom_rules.te and modify the gen_require block like that:

    type systemd_tmpfiles_t;
    type default_t;

Then save the file and compile again like this:

make -f /usr/share/selinux/devel/Makefile custom_rules.pp
sudo semodule -i custom_rules.pp
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