
Is it possible to set env vars for containerd?

vn flag

I am currently trying to switch my K8 nodes from using dockerd to containerd. For environment-specific reasons, I ned to specify http_proxy.

In the dockerd world, I can specify environment variables by using the following steps.

  1. Putting lines such as the following into /etc/environment-systemd:
  1. Adding the following line to /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service:

How can I do the equivalent operation for containerd?

I looked at the man page for containerd's config and did not see any thing about setting environment variables for proxies.

in flag
It [certainly seems]( the same `EnvironmentFile` trick should work, although it's possible containerd needs the variable to be uppercase and likely needs to be `HTTPS_PROXY=` if your upstream registry is over TLS (I always recommend setting them both to the same value since the good thing about standards ...)
merlin2011 avatar
vn flag
@mdaniel There is no `Service` section documented in the man page. Is that issue referring to a different configuration file for `containerd`?
Veera Nagireddy avatar
nl flag
You can set environment variables in a service’s containers with the environment attribute in your Compose file. It works in the same way as docker run **-e VARIABLE=VALUE ...**. See how to [Use the environment attribute]( for details.
Veera Nagireddy avatar
nl flag
Refer to official k8s doc on how to [Configure the kubelet to use containerd as its container runtime]( If your using Amazon EKS, See [how to configure HTTP proxy for Amazon EKS containerd nodes]( for details.
merlin2011 avatar
vn flag
@VeeraNagireddy The second link addressed my question. Thanks!
Veera Nagireddy avatar
nl flag
Glad to hear that @merlin2011. Posting it as an answer for better community visibility.
merlin2011 avatar
vn flag
Accepting this answer because it addresses the question. I should note that the Stackoverflow community prefers to have the content directly in the answer (vs a link-only answer), but I do not know much about the ServerFault community.
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