
Can Docker Image Scan detect malicious code contained in an image (or layer)?

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I put malicious code in a Docker image. I wonder if the scanner can detect malicious code.

I used the command which was given by GPT. The result of scanning the image I made myself (Ubuntu based, named t_mal:1.0) and the result of scanning the Ubuntu 20:04 image are the same. (Scan results are the same)trivy Image [imagename] --Vuln-type malware

[스캔 한 결과][1]

But I know this is an inappropriate command.

Is there a technology that can detect malicious code within docker images?

How can I detect malicious code within an image through an image scanner? (The image scanner doesn't have to be Trivy.)

[1]:스캔 한 결과

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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