In the Set-Cookie
header, the HttpOnly
flag directs the browser to block client-side scripts from accessing the cookie. It is a security feature that can aid in the prevention of XSS attacks. However, because it is a client-side functionality, it should not be the source of the problem you are experiencing.
When you use the HttpOnly
setting, your application sessions may be closed for a variety of reasons. One possibility is that the server is failing to set the Secure flag in the Set-Cookie
header correctly. The Secure setting instructs the browser to send the cookie only over a secure HTTPS connection, which is critical for securing sensitive data.
Another possibility is that the Path value in the Set-Cookie
header is incorrectly set. The Path value defines the server path where the cookie is valid. If the path is erroneously specified, the cookie may not be transmitted with subsequent requests, resulting in the session being lost.
It is also conceivable that the session is being ended due to a bug or misconfiguration in your application code. You should look over your application code to determine if there are any flaws that could be causing the issue.
In conclusion, the HttpOnly
flag should not be causing any problems with your session. Check sure the Secure and Path settings in the Set-Cookie
header are appropriately set, then analyze your application code for any errors that could be causing the session to be closed.