
nsupdate works directly but not via openvpn

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I can update my bind server with nsupdate when I start my script directly from the terminal. However when I start the script it from inside openvpn then I get a time out error: Communication with failed: timed out.

The key is found.

The port 53 is open for udp and tcp. In my named.conf I tried the option listen-on port 53 { any; };.

I start it from terminal with ./ From inside OPENVPN I tried both the up and the ipchange hooks. Openvpn client config:

script-security 2
ipchange /etc/openvpn/ ;

Anyone has an idea why its working directly from terminal, but not from openvpn?

in flag

Both the ipchange and the up hooks are run before any routes pulled from the server. Any script which runs in those hooks and tries to access a VPN resource will fail because the routing is not set up yet.

Use the route-up hook, that runs after the routes are applied, and the VPN resources are available.

EafinaStorm avatar
rs flag
Unfortunalety that `route-up` hook also returns the same error - connection timed out. Maybe Openvpn does not have the right to send the update to port 53?
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