
extract full path FIND with special character handling

in flag

Executing a comand like:

find /some_path -mtime -3 -type f -name "*.txt"

the out is something like:

/some_path/file 1.txt

If I include this output in rsync with something like:

rsync --progress --protect-args --files-from=<(find /source_path -mtime -3 -type f -name "*.txt") /source_path /dest_path

The command will make the copy just for file 2.txt for the first one the output will be failed: No such file or directory (2)

The problem is related of course withe the space in the name, how can i solve it?

I need FIND to use -mtime -3

by flag

Just use -print0 option in find and the --from0 option in rsync for the filename with special characters.

For your command it would be -print0 option in find and the --from0 option in rsync

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