
How to change volume type when restore volume by backup_id openstack rest api?

mg flag

I create a backup from snapshot_id + volume_id. And that volume_id type is SSD. Then I performed the restore backup operation. Can I change the volume type from SSD to HDD? And at what step is it processed?

us flag

I'm not aware of an option to select a different type during restore, but after the restore has succeeded you should be able to retype the volume:

cinder retype --migration-policy on-demand
              <volume> <volume-type>
Mandatory arguments:
  <volume>              Name or ID of volume for which to modify type.
  <volume-type>         New volume type.

Also note the following statement:

Source volume type and destination volume type must be different and they must refer to different back-ends.

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mg flag
thanks very much
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