We have AIX and Linux servers running with basic password authentication against a Windows AD using Kerberos, so it are local users with a username identical to their sAMAccountName in the AD and all that is done is the password check.
Both OS's use a simple krb5.conf
default_realm = COMPANYA.COM
kdc = ad.companya.com:88
admin_server = ad.companya.com:749
.companya.com = COMPANYA.COM
companya.com = COMPANYA.COM
This works fine on both OS's.
We now have the situation that there will be a company B and thus also a 2nd AD.
A user will never be available on both AD's, just on either one.
So I first started on AIX as I figured this would be the hardest to get working.
Updated the krb5.conf
default_realm = COMPANYA.COM
kdc = ad.companya.com:88
admin_server = ad.companya.com:749
kdc = ad.companyb.com:88
admin_server = ad.companyb.com:749
.companya.com = COMPANYA.COM
companya.com = COMPANYA.COM
.companyb.com = COMPANYB.COM
companyb.com = COMPANYB.COM
After a bit of research it seemed all I had to do was
chuser auth_domain=COMPANYB.COM <user>
this updates the /etc/security/user file and will do the password validation against de Company B AD. So I was pleasantly surprised at how easy that was.
Next came Linux (Ubuntu boxes).
Did the same krb5.conf but sadly I can not find the equivalent command for chuser under Ubuntu to point that specific user to the other AD.
What I can find is pages about using sssd and joining the realm (Linux SSSD with two AD Domains and/or https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/service-sssd-ad) but this is all more then needed (joining the realms).
what I figured out so far using tcpdump and kinit is the following:
kinit [email protected]
kinit: KDC reply did not match expectations while getting initial credentials
kinit [email protected]
<no error>
login [email protected]
access denied
login [email protected]
access denied
Since kinit with full caps worked I had suspected the login would to, sadly it did not.
update: login [email protected] works if the user is created on the Linux box as [email protected], still not to happy with that
(forgetting the fact its not realistic to asked users to do their domain in full caps)
So long story short, how to point specific users to another AD than the default one in the krb5.conf file.