
Disable Windows Defender Firewall pop up for a target folder

ru flag

I'm encountering an issue with the Windows Defender Firewall every time I compile and run my Go program. It seems that the program's use of sockets is triggering the firewall each time a new version of the program is compiled and run as a new .exe file.

Here is what's currently happening :

  1. I make some changes to my code
  2. I compile, thus a new .exe is created
  3. Run the new .exe
  4. I'm getting annoyed by the Windows Security Alert popup

Windows Defender Firewall notification at compilation

From my understanding, we can't set up a firewall rule exception for a whole folder, but is that really the case? I could simply disable the firewall but that's not really a good idea.

cn flag

[...] we can't set up a firewall rule exception for a whole folder,

Yes. You cannot set up a rule for alle binaries in a folder.

I could simply disable the firewall but that's not really a good idea.

You could simply add a rule for your (TCP/UDP) port.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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