
Is it possible to create a linked server between the ServiceNow ODBC driver and an AWS/RDS SQL Server instance?

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I have an internal .NET 7 web application that uses an MSSQL database hosted on Amazon RDS.

I have a requirement to create a linked server to query data from a separate ServiceNow DB instance.

The only way I can see to do this is:

  • Install a new instance of MSSQL/SQLExpress on a Windows Server.
  • Install the ServiceNow ODBC driver on the same Windows Server and configure a System DSN to point to my service now instance.
  • Configure a .NET DataContext in my .NET 7 web app that points to the linked server on MSSQL/SQLExpress.

Q: Is there any way I can bypass the (extraneous!) SQLExpress install, and configure the linked server for the ServiceNow ODBC directly on my AWS RDS instance?

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The answer appears to be "no".

If I need an ODBC connection...then deploying it to an on-prem MSSQL (like SQLExpress) appears to be the only option.

I CANNOT install my Service Now ODBC driver to AWS/RDS ... because the AWS/RDS instance is "serverless" (SASS)... and consequently there's no "server" to install/configure the ODBC driver on. Besides additional restrictions on MSSQL "linked servers" for AWS/RDS instances...

Relevant links:

Linked Server is supported for only SQL Server (EC2 or on-premises) to RDS SQL Server RDS SQL Server to SQL Server (RDS, EC2, or on-premises) vs. RDS linked server to on-prem...


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