
AlmaLinux cannot install ffmpeg

mq flag

New install of AlmaLinux 8 (r8.7 (Stone Smilodon)). I ran the following in preparation to install ffmpeg:

sudo dnf -y install
sudo yum install yum-utils -y
sudo yum-config-manager --enable powertools
sudo dnf install --nogpgcheck -y
sudo dnf install --nogpgcheck -y

When I run the final sudo dnf install ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel, I get the following error:

Last metadata expiration check: 0:22:38 ago on Tue 25 Apr 2023 11:48:30 AM MDT.
No match for argument: ffmpeg
Error: Unable to find a match: ffmpeg

I have installed and run ffmpeg with no issue on previous machines and on other flavour of 'Nix, but this one stumps me. I ran an dnf repolist and got this:

repo id                                                           repo name
appstream                                                         AlmaLinux 8 - AppStream
baseos                                                            AlmaLinux 8 - BaseOS
dell-omsa-indep                                                   Dell OMSA repository - Hardware independent
dell-omsa-specific                                                Dell OMSA repository - Hardware specific
dell-system-update_dependent                                      dell-system-update_dependent
dell-system-update_independent                                    dell-system-update_independent
elevate                                                           ELevate
epel                                                              Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64
extras                                                            AlmaLinux 8 - Extras
influxdata                                                        InfluxData Repository - Stable
influxdb                                                          InfluxDB Repository
powertools                                                        AlmaLinux 8 - PowerTools

So the repository is present and correct.

I do not know where else to check. This should be simple. Can someone please help me get this installed?

in flag
`So the repository is present and correct` - no, it's not. The rpmfusion repos are not listed. Something went wrong during their installation step.
in flag

The following steps worked for me:

dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
dnf install --nogpgcheck$(rpm -E %rhel).noarch.rpm -y
dnf install --nogpgcheck$(rpm -E %rhel).noarch.rpm -y
dnf install ffmpeg

You don't even need epel. Just the powertools and rpmfusion repos are enough for ffmpeg.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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