
How to reduce a RDS user's vhdx?

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In order to reduce RDS user's vhdx (User Profile Disks) size, I wanted to test disk2vhd to rebuild a vhdx from mounted vhdx. But it doesn't work on virtual drive.

Optimize-VHD is not suitable for this job because it's not a Hyper-V env.

So, is there a way to reduce users's vhdx?


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If you don't want to install Hyper-V management tool to use Optimize-VHD, then you can use compact vdisk in diskpart: compact vdisk | Microsoft Learn.

select vdisk file=<full path>
compact vdisk
Alysko avatar
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Ok, thanks, I will try this. I'm actually Optimize-Volume only.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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