
How to snooze all cloudwatch alarms at specific time?

be flag

I am trying to setup snooze option for all alarms in my AWS account. To accomplish this I have tried the below terraform code. I kept my account id as dummy value 12345678.

resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_rule" "snooze_alarms_rule" {
  name        = "snooze_alarms_rule"
  description = "Snooze alarms every Sunday from 12:30 PM to 6:30 PM CST"
  schedule_expression = "cron(30 18 ? * SUN *)" # 6:30 PM CST is 12:30 AM UTC, so we use that timezone

resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_target" "snooze_alarms_target" {
  rule      =
  arn       = "arn:aws:automate:${var.region}:12345678:snooze:action/SetAlarmState"
  target_id = "snooze_alarms_target" #"arn:aws:sns:${var.region}:12345678:snooze"
  input = jsonencode({
    "Action": "Snooze",
    "StateValue": "ALARM",
    "Description": "Snoozing all alarms for maintenance",
    "Duration": 21600 # 6 hours in seconds

But it is giving below error.

Error: creating EventBridge Target (snooze_alarms_rule-snooze_alarms_target): ValidationException: automate is not a supported service for a target. │ status code: 400, request id: 56d52814-fc5f-449b-91f5-70f14a0073cf │ │ with aws_cloudwatch_event_target.snooze_alarms_target, │ on line 7, in resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_target" "snooze_alarms_target": │ 7: resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_target" "snooze_alarms_target" {

I would appreciate any help offered.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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