
How can I make Ansible Playbook to Continue after IP Change?

re flag

I have a playbook which configures Static IP Address and reboots the Server. However, the playbook is resulting in an error. Even the following code also doesn't seems working

    - name: Creating Interface Configuration using JINJA2 Temlate
        src: templates/interface_config.jinja2
        dest: "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-{{ nat_int }}"

    - name: Reboot Server
      become: yes
        reboot_timeout: 180
    ## Setting Fact for New IP Address

    - name: Setting Fact for New IP Address
        ansible_host: ""
in flag
Please provide the actual error message you encounter
U880D avatar
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"_How to make Ansible Playbook to Continue after IP Change?_", if using DNS and FQDN and in Ansible inventory there should be no need for that.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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