
OpenSSH client on Windows 10 connection error

ve flag

On Windows 10 Enterprise, I can't connect via ssh to a linux machine. is a valid local IP, i can connect to it with putty.

PS C:\Users\elsneste> ssh
CreateProcessW failed error:193
ssh_askpass: posix_spawnp: Unknown error
Host key verification failed.

PS C:\Users\elsneste> ssh -V
OpenSSH_for_Windows_8.1p1, LibreSSL 3.0.2

This is a quite fresh Windows 10 installation. I copied the .ssh folder from the previous machine, but that was maybe a bad idea.

I then renamed the .ssh folder to ._ssh to inactivate it, with no effect.

Windows Openssh-feature has been reinstalled. again, no effect.

Git for windows is also installed. Same error in git cmd, no error in git bash

Keith Langmead avatar
us flag
OpenSSH 8.1 is quite old, with it looking like 8.x is now on 8.9, and 9.x has been out for a while, so perhaps 8.1 is trying to use methods that are no longer supported or have been removed through one of the vulnerability discoveries that have come up over the last few years? Perhaps try updating to a more recent version.
ve flag

Found the solution: delete the environment variable DISPLAY=UNDEFINED (or similar) from the windows environment variables.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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