Can someone explain why I can't access my website running in a docker container thru nomad or what I'm doing wrong ? I'm beginner in system and networking.
I would like to make the container http listen on so that nginx can proxy.
Nomad server and client are running on the same machine
Machine is fedora, disabled SELinux, firewall disabled.
What I expect :
Request to <server_ip>:8088 responds website
What I get :
Response is Connection refused.
nomad conf :
data_dir = "/opt/nomad/data"
bind_addr = ""
log_level = "DEBUG"
server {
# license_path is required for Nomad Enterprise as of Nomad v1.1.1+
#license_path = "/etc/nomad.d/license.hclic"
enabled = true
bootstrap_expect = 1
acl {
enabled = true
client {
enabled = true
servers = [""]
nomad job :
job "ctprods-app" {
datacenters = ["*"]
group "ctprods-group" {
count = 1
network {
port "http" {
static = 8088
to = 8088
task "ctprods-task" {
driver = "docker"
env {
ENVIRONMENT = "production"
config {
image = "ctaque/ctprods:latest"
ports = [
nginx block :
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
ss -nplut :
tcp LISTEN 0 4096 <server_public_ip>:8088*
nomad job port map :

nomad job running :