
Rancher 2 RKE cluster component kube-api-auth is throwing an error with v1Authenticate request

py flag

I’m facing a strange error in my RKE1 k8s cluster. Running 1.24.13 on vsphere. kube-api-auth is constantly throwing these errors in the logs:

time="2023-06-08T09:21:09Z" level=info msg="Starting Rancher Kube-API-Auth service on"
time="2023-06-08T09:21:09Z" level=info msg="Running in single server mode, will not peer connections"
time="2023-06-08T09:21:09Z" level=info msg="Starting workload controllers"
time="2023-06-08T09:21:09Z" level=info msg="Starting, Kind=ClusterUserAttribute controller"
time="2023-06-08T09:21:09Z" level=info msg="Starting, Kind=ClusterRepo controller"
time="2023-06-08T09:21:09Z" level=info msg="Starting, Kind=Role controller"
time="2023-06-08T09:21:09Z" level=info msg="Starting /v1, Kind=Secret controller"
time="2023-06-08T09:21:09Z" level=info msg="Starting /v1, Kind=ConfigMap controller"
time="2023-06-08T09:21:09Z" level=info msg="Starting, Kind=ClusterRoleBinding controller"
time="2023-06-08T09:21:09Z" level=info msg="Starting, Kind=RoleBinding controller"
time="2023-06-08T09:21:09Z" level=info msg="Starting, Kind=ClusterRole controller"
time="2023-06-08T09:21:09Z" level=info msg="Starting, Kind=ClusterAuthToken controller"
time="2023-06-08T09:21:24Z" level=info msg="Processing v1Authenticate request..."
time="2023-06-08T09:21:24Z" level=error msg="found 1 parts of token"
time="2023-06-08T09:22:24Z" level=info msg="Processing v1Authenticate request..."
time="2023-06-08T09:22:24Z" level=error msg="found 1 parts of token"
time="2023-06-08T09:24:00Z" level=info msg="Processing v1Authenticate request..."
time="2023-06-08T09:24:00Z" level=error msg="found 1 parts of token"

I couldn't find anything in the Rancher support pages related to this or here on stackoverflow. Any help would be appreciated.


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Most people don’t grasp that asking a lot of questions unlocks learning and improves interpersonal bonding. In Alison’s studies, for example, though people could accurately recall how many questions had been asked in their conversations, they didn’t intuit the link between questions and liking. Across four studies, in which participants were engaged in conversations themselves or read transcripts of others’ conversations, people tended not to realize that question asking would influence—or had influenced—the level of amity between the conversationalists.