I've mounted gcp bucket with gcsfuse by fstab file.
To ellow execution of scripts and executable from the bucket, added option of 'exec' to the options in the fstab file.
Yet, this option isn't applied.
The fstab line:
bucketname /mount-point gcsfuse rw,uid=1001,gid=1002,file_mode=777,dir_mode=777,exec,user,allow_other,_netdev
The bucket is mounted, and i can read, write and modify files within the bucket.
But when i'm trying to execute something, i get 'Permission denied'.
So, unmount the bucket and try to see what is going on with 'mount -a':
user@server:/$ sudo mount -a
Calling gcsfuse with arguments: -o noexec -o nodev --gid 1002 --file-mode 777 --dir-mode 777 -o allow_other -o rw -o nosuid --uid 1001 bucketname /mount-point
I0611 08:33:06.783746 2023/06/11 08:33:06.783723 Start gcsfuse/0.42.5 (Go version go1.20.3) for app "" using mount point: /mount-point
As you can see, although the option 'exec' in the fstab options, gcsfuse still using default option 'noexec'.
I can allow execution only by the command:
sudo gcsfuse -file-mode=777 -dir-mode=777 -o rw -o exec -o allow_other bucketname /mount-point
OfCourse, after restart the problem will return, and I'll have to unmount the bucket and use this command manually again.
I need to find the way to let the fstab line work properly.