This is my first foray into anything AWX/Ansible, so please be gentle :)
I've set up a new AWX instance in Kubernetes (using the AWX Operator), and am trying to import our existing job-templates from an old instance (that I did not set up, nor have control over). There is a metadata.yml
file in our playbooks repo that defines them. The format is:
project_name: playbooks
project_version: 2.5.7
- ansible
- name: patching playbooks
name: 'patching.playbooks'
description: "General purpose server patching playbooks."
organization: "our-team"
state: present
update_project: yes
scm_type: git
scm_clean: yes
scm_url: ""
scm_branch: master
allow_override: yes
- name: "ubuntu-patching"
name: "Ubuntu-Patching"
description: "Patch Ubuntu servers."
organization: "our-team"
state: present
execution_environment: "AWX EE"
project: patching.playbooks
credentials: ['awx-ssh-key', ]
inventory: 'non-prod'
playbook: patch_ubuntu.yml
job_type: check
limit: ''
allow_simultaneous: true
ask_inventory_on_launch: true
ask_credential_on_launch: true
ask_job_type_on_launch: true
ask_limit_on_launch: true
ask_scm_branch_on_launch: true
ask_variables_on_launch: true
ask_verbosity_on_launch: true
resize_disks: true
- 'notify-us'
There are multiple of these "awx.awx.job_template" objects. I would really like to not import every one of them manually. Is there something in Tower that I can use to import them automatically? Am I missing something obvious?