I have an ldapsearch query to pull some data of an email system, I am trying to parse the data into something I can analyze in a table/flat file, and generate reports on the accounts.
Sample of the ldapsearch output:
# scott, people, example3.org
dn: uid=scott,ou=people,dc=example3,dc=org
zimbraCOSId: 3f5exxxf-08eb-439a-8d93-cef26b03b722
zimbraMailDeliveryAddress: [email protected]
zimbraLastLogonTimestamp: 20161019154312Z
zimbraPrefMailForwardingAddress: [email protected]
# info, people, example5.org
dn: uid=info,ou=people,dc=example5,dc=org
zimbraMailDeliveryAddress: [email protected]
zimbraCOSId: e2zzy7e74-e4bf-462d-a4b1-7d7b23c31fbe
zimbraPrefMailForwardingAddress: [email protected]
zimbraLastLogonTimestamp: 20181011075800Z
The search command used to pull the test data:
ldapsearch -H $ldap_master_url -w $zimbra_ldap_password -D $zimbra_ldap_userdn -S -LLL -x "(&(objectClass=zimbraAccount)(!(objectclass=zimbraCalendarResource)))" zimbraMailDeliveryAddress zimbraLastLogonTimestamp zimbraPrefMailForwardingAddress | awk '$1=$1' RS= ORS='\n' OFS=';'
Here is what I tried:
| awk '$1=$1' RS= ORS='\n' OFS=';'
Then I also used grep to prune it down further, but not all records have the same attributes, or the same order so the output is a mess.
Output I am shooting for:
The values of the above attributes in a by row delimited style.
[email protected],20161019154312Z,[email protected]
[email protected],20181011075800Z,[email protected]
Will research if sed can gather the info, since the values are in different order from record to record which seems odd. I have more data fields to add, but very difficult to parse the output.
Thank you