I have a playbook that includes a file containing this:
- name: debug tags
msg: debug tags
- debugtags
When I run the following command, I would expect that only this play be executed. Instead, no play is executed. This is in a docker container on my linux desktop, so it needs to go out and get the playbook. I'm sure that the play is in the playbook. The command (edited a bit for security)
/usr/bin/ansible-pull -C dockervm -d /usr/local/ansible -U [email protected]:xxxxx-config-usr_local_ansible.git -i localhost, -e small=yes vagrant=True ServerNamePrefix=docker --accept-host-key -t debugtags /usr/local/ansible/playbooks/docker.yml
Some things to note:
- I've tried this with both -t and --tags.
- Without the -t or --tags, the playbook runs fine and executes all the plays - been using it for weeks
Below, find the files in question and the output
- name: check ServerNamePrefix set
fail: msg="ServerNamePrefix not provided"
when: ServerNamePrefix is undefined
- include_tasks: apt_update.yml
#- include_tasks: timezone.yml
#- include_tasks: required_software.yml
- include_tasks: postfix.yml
- include_tasks: bashrc.yml
- include_tasks: diskinit.yml
#- include_tasks: hostfile.yml
- include_tasks: repositories.yml
- include_tasks: web_packages.yml
- include_tasks: configfiles.yml
- include_tasks: modules.yml
- include_tasks: groups.yml
- include_tasks: users.yml
- include_tasks: directories.yml
- include_tasks: wkhtmltopdf.yml
- include_tasks: deploy_env_and_configuration.yml
- include_tasks: pushwildcardssl.yml
- include_tasks: touch_files.yml
- include_tasks: debugtags.yml
- name: debug tags
msg: debug tags
- debugtags
[WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: 4a9190122ed4
localhost | SUCCESS => {
"after": "777b48c3f3018bbf5078602209027da6d2b61feb",
"ansible_facts": {
"discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
"before": "777b48c3f3018bbf5078602209027da6d2b61feb",
"changed": false,
"remote_url_changed": false
[WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: 4a9190122ed4
PLAY [all] *********************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [localhost]
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
So I'm stumped. Any ideas?
Ed Greenberg