
Percona MySQL 8.0.25-15 filling up slow log with headers only

in flag

Has anyone experienced an issue where when the slow log is enabled with the following options:

root@(none)> show global variables like "%slow_query%";
| Variable_name                     | Value                         |
| slow_query_log                    | ON                            |
| slow_query_log_always_write_time  | 10.000000                     |
| slow_query_log_file               | /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log |
| slow_query_log_use_global_control |                               |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I get a weird issue where the slow log file is being spammed with the same thing over and over again, without a single slow log query:

Time                 Id Command    Argument
/usr/sbin/mysqld, Version: 8.0.25-15 (Percona Server (GPL), Release '15', Revision 'a558ec2'). started with:
Tcp port: 3306  Unix socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

These three lines are being spammed constantly, about 100 kilobytes per second. Not only that, because of this the replication was lagging, the seconds behind master was constantly creeping up. I was noticing some odd usage of the OS disks (the MySQL datadir is on a different array) where the /var/log/mysql directory resides, I suppose it was flushing to disk each and every one of these useless messages. Once I disabled slow_query_log the SBM started dropping very fast and has no problems keeping up.

Am I hitting a bug with Percona MySQL, I can't find any reference anywhere of this?

Wilson Hauck avatar
jp flag
Consider slow_query_log_always_write_time = 300 to get a reminder in the slow query log every 5 minutes rather than after just 10 seconds.
jp flag

Consider adding to my.cnf or my.ini the following


to avoid useless chatter in the Slow Query Log.

Vladimir avatar
in flag
This makes no difference, as I think this is a bug in Percona mysql itself. It keeps spamming the same three lines without any queries many many times a second, like I pasted in the question. I'll try upgrading the Percona version of MySQL.
Wilson Hauck avatar
jp flag
Additional DB information request, please. OS, Version? RAM size, # cores, any SSD or NVME devices on MySQL Host server? Post TEXT data on and share the links. From your SSH login root, Text results of: A) SELECT COUNT(*), sum(data_length), sum(index_length), sum(data_free) FROM information_schema.tables; B) SHOW GLOBAL STATUS; after minimum 24 hours UPTIME C) SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES; D) SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST; E) STATUS; not SHOW STATUS, just STATUS; G) SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS; for server workload tuning analysis to provide suggestions.
Wilson Hauck avatar
jp flag
Please also post TEXT results of first page of TOP from your OS Command Prompt for analysis.
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