Latest Server related questions

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NickleTree avatar
Proxmox gpu passthrough seen on the wrong machine
se flag

I have a very unique issue that might have a simple answer but I can't really find it anywhere. I currently have two nodes on my rack running proxmox. One is an old gaming PC that doesn't have IOMMU grouping capabilities but has a single 8-pin connector for PCIe devices like my graphics card. The other is a mid-2000s rackable systems server that has no 8-pin connector for powering my graphics card. I en ...

Score: -1
andy28 avatar
Development and deployment of cross platform Linux servers
jp flag

I'm trying to create a template installation of Linux to deploy on multiple single-board computer servers, with slightly different hardware and operating systems. My understanding is that this would be an ideal application for Docker, except for the fact that it doesn't handle Armbian/Raspbian (32-bit) systems. To clarify, when I say "template installation of Linux", I mean that I will be starting with  ...

Score: 0
Mohamed Allal avatar
Connecting two nodes, dynamic tcp connections tunneling through a central server
am flag

Conceptual system in my mind of what i'm looking for:

Given two hosts (can be pcs) !
Both can be on dynamic network (dynamic ip)!
Both connect to the same central server to find each other! (in my case need! One client host can act as a server too)
The server act as a bridge! And make the tunneling happen!
First host connect to the server! And the second too! Now the server map both nodes (hosts)!
A ...

Score: 0
Practical difference between a DV and EV/OV SSL certificate?
ir flag

When I view a site's SSL certficiate from a browser, it always says in the "Issued to" section that the organisation is not part of the certificate.

If end users cannot independently verify my organisation (I assume the browser now does that for them), what is the practical value of having a OV/EV certificate? Is it for some other reason? If so, what?

I see that at the time of writing Comodo says tha ...

Score: 0
vivek avatar
ntpd does not sync clock if it gets internet connection little late
cn flag

In our production box, I am a facing a problem with ntpd. I am enabling the NTP feature for our production box and observing one isssue.

We start the ntpd daemon in the initialization process of our box. During that time internet connection is not there. Below is my small ntp.conf file

driftfile  /etc/ntp.drift
logconfig =syncstatus
server iburst

Our box get internet connectivity little  ...

Score: 0
BungyStudios avatar
NGINX proxy_pass: dump HTTPS requests as plaintext for debugging
eg flag

I saw this answer from 10 years ago that's more or less about the same thing, except it involves HTTP rather than HTTPS: nginx: dump HTTP requests for debugging

Is there a way to dump the encrypted traffic through NGINX proxy_pass as plaintext? I tried tcpdump/Wireshark on port 443 but all it gave me was jumbled encrypted text.

A bit of context, the upstream server is a remote HTTPS Apache server so ...

Score: 1
nick avatar
Port 1723 won't close
ru flag

I'm not very experienced in linux administration but have been running a server that hosts django for a year or so now. Using ufw I had only opened port 80, 443 and 69 for nginx and SSH.

Recently whilst running tripwire checks I've seen a lot of modifications to files - which I've assumed is just usual system files doing their thing. I also notice port 1723 is open whilst checking with nmap scans ...

Score: 0
Alex Fong avatar
My Google GCP instance disappeared!!! When I add more than 8 in a location some instance randomely disappeared without warning
id flag

I am trying out different features on GCP and something really troubled me. I setup 7 test server and then use the instance group to add a few more. All in a sudden some of the server that has been setup disappeared.

I cannot see any log or activities saying that they were dropped. So I cannot confirm if it is a 8 instance max policy or it is an error or bug on GCP.

Anyone has similar experience? Th ...

Score: 4
What is the nginx Variable for a custom Header?
cn flag

A client is sending a custom HTTP Header X-ABC-LOGIN-NAME to my Nginx reverse proxy. To be sure that it is actually arriving, a PHP server (fastcgi) was installed and this header is really showing up (with a value) in phpinfo(), section 'PHP Variables'.

I operate a Django backend with a gunicorn server and in the Django code, I print all headers to the console. When I assign a static value to the

Score: 0
How can I get nginx to add a newline to a response from an upstream server?
hk flag

I have a service that exposes a Prometheus statistics endpoint. I'm using Telegraf's input.prometheus to relay these stats. Unfortunately this particular service doesn't terminate the request with a newline character as is required by the text exposition format spec, and as a result, the Telegraf Prometheus input chokes (unexpected end of stream).

As a quick fix I'd like to use nginx to proxy this  ...

Score: 0
hardcheese avatar
PPTP mschapv2 no response
gf flag

Using NetworkManager PPTP VPN plugin I am trying to connect to VPN. Still get timeouts, logs:

July 24 00:26:50 abraham NetworkManager[5654]: Plugin /usr/lib/pppd/2.4.9/ loaded.
July 24 00:26:50 abraham pppd[5654]: pppd 2.4.9 started by root, uid 0
July 24 00:26:50 abraham pppd[5654]: Using interface ppp0
July 24 00:26:50 abraham NetworkManager[5654]: Using interface ppp0
July  ...
Score: 0
Asmodean avatar
Nginx Basic Authentication
us flag

I want to implement some basic authentication so that when I check my netdata dashboard at the domain it won't be wide open and viewable by everyone.

And I do have other apps I plan to run. Including ZNC which is already running.

Problem is that after I log into to the netdata subdomain, I cannot get into the znc web interface on another subdomain regardless of what password I put in.

Do I need to enab ...

Score: 0
Nginx rewrite urls within a single page app
cn flag

I've been having issues with this nginx configuration, and after scouring this site, I'm wondering if it's even possible.

I have a very simple single page app with the following routing:

server {
        listen 80 default_server;

        root /var/www/html;

        location / {
                try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

The SPA (a Gatsby site, if that matters) served by this config c ...

Score: 1
Broken lvm results in read_urandom error
ar flag

I was doing something in a chroot, and unfortunately I broke the host. Now I cannot manage the volume groups:

  read_urandom: /dev/urandom: open failed: No such file or directory

Same error with diferent commands about lvm.. Trying to reconfigure:

# dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-4.19.0-16-amd64

dkms: running auto installation service for kernel 4.19.0-16-amd64:/us ...
Score: 0
Jacob Bruinsma avatar
Windows Server 2019 Essentials not showing System Protection > Create Restore Point
de flag

The entire System Protection tab is gone!

I wanted to create a restore point before installing something, and I wanted to change some "Previous file versions" settings on a network share.

What's going on? I seem to get previous file versions at the regular interval, twice a day. But I can't see or create restore points, or see any settings. I haven't found others mentioning this issue. Could it be m ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.