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proxy_content_filter and opendmarc milter at proxy smtpd
br flag

I set up the proxy_content_filter to inet: and in ##(DKIM: 8891, DMARC: 54321) inet n - n - - smtpd

and in logs opendmarc running too early:

Jul 23 12:42:07 mail postfix/smtpd[10474]: NOQUEUE:[]
Jul 23 12:42:07 mail postfix/10025/smtpd[10482]: connect from localhost[ ...
Score: 0
Adamski2505 avatar
Ubuntu Updates Cause NGINX Lockup
us flag

I've encountered and issue with 2 different nginx/Ubuntu based Load Balancers this week, hoping someone might be able to help.

Each machine has received the following updates in the past 24 hours apt update log

That has caused nginx to stop accepting traffic, subsequently causing an outage.

running " service nginx status " still shows as "green" with the Service running, and an uptime of since the la ...

Score: 1
Anadi Misra avatar
coredns deployment fails looking for nodes even after fargate profile patch
tr flag

Problem with installing fargate profiles and coreddns addon; I'm using terraform for some parts and kubetctl for others, the fargate profiles are created via terraform:

fargate_profiles = {
  kube-system-profile = {
    name = "kube-system-profile"
    selectors = [
        namespace = "kube-system"
        labels = {
          name = "kube-system"
          k8s-app = "kube-dns"
Score: 0
Mirror incoming traffic on specific port to another IP, using my IPSec strongswan tunnel
za flag

I want to internally publish an SMTP server (IP that is behind a VPN tunnel on my internal server ( using strongswan. My strongswan is running within a docker container.

For this I want my internal server to listen to its 25 port and to forward the traffic to the tunneled server on the same port

So far I tried using iptables, but without success.

Score: 0
Rakkey avatar
Dell server - Redfish power metrics
jp flag

Im having a hard time with a single Dell r620 server, which is acting a bit weird when it comes to the redfish api.

We have 10+ of the exact same r620, with same configuration, same bios/idrac/controller, where redfish power metrics is working fine, but a single server is acting out.

The problem is that powermetrics isn't updated, so when we call the url: ...

Score: 2
wiltomap avatar
Fortigate and RADIUS Wifi authentication for domain and non-domain devices
cn flag

We're setting up RADIUS authentication for wireless network connections through a Windows Server 2012 R2 (NPS).

We have to allow both domain computers (registered in Active directory) and non-domain devices, typically Android smartphones.

Following this official documentation, the behaviour is as excepted and working fine for domain computers.

Now, we would like to set up mac address authentication for A ...

Score: 0
0d28390e2f avatar
Change ACL of shared folder without setting archive bit
ca flag

I would like to restrict certain network shares in my network so that only specific groups can access the shares. However, some of these shares are archived to an external system. Whenever the archived bit is set on files in the share, the files will be archived automatically.

Whenever I changed the ACL of a certain network share, the archived bit is set on all files on the share, which causes al ...

Score: 0
maar avatar
PfSense FreeBSD on OVH Public Instance - no internet connection
gb flag

I have no internet connectivity in freshly installed PfSense system.

  1. I've created OVH instance with Ubuntu and I mounted mfsbsd image.
  2. After booting to mfsbsd there was also internet problem. Couldn't download anything or ping at all.
  3. I copied PfSense image through SSH using local network.
  4. I installed PfSense with UFS BIOS option.
  5. Using OVH console I can see that PfSense booted properly after r ...
Score: 0
lxc send file or copy
mq flag

I am trying to copy a file with lxc, now I am already desperate. Here are some commands that I have tried:

#lxc-attach -n containerName echo $temp > /root/
#lxc-attach -n containerName cat /root/

#lxc-attach -n containerName -- bash -c 'echo $temp > /root/'
#lxc-attach -n containerName cat /root/

#lxc-attach -n containerName -- ...
Score: 2
deathvu avatar
TLS/SSL on http (80) with STARTTLS
ng flag

I'm researching the reason why TLS/SSL is not using over HTTP. Other protocols, such as SMTP, POP3, FTP, etc can be used on SSL ports (SMTPS, POP3S, FTPS) for the first way, and the second way is to use STARTTLS option in the current port with the extension (SMTP example) There is a popular way to use the second way (STARTTLS) on email protocols, but why is http not using STARTTLS? I found RFC TLS wit ...

Score: 0
uday avatar
How to fix a node in docker swarm?
ke flag

I have a 4 node cluster in AWS, which 2 nodes are continuosly getting diconnected and sometimes rebooting works and sometimes need to reboot all the nodes in the cluster to get all back.

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-7-235 ~]$ docker node ls
ID                            HOSTNAME                                      STATUS    AVAILABILITY   MANAGER STATUS   ENGINE VERSION
xhei85m3mjp6wikz81phl01sx *   ip-172 ...
Score: 2
AnJ avatar
Grant minimum required permission for adding computer to a domain - without using delegation
cn flag

Following principle of Least-Privilege Administrative Model I need to create custom group that would give its members permission to add computers to a domain but nothing else that could pose a security risk.

So I created my custom group in AD (let's call it "Domain Manager") and assigned test domain user to this group.
Then I went over to Group Policy Manager and created GPO. Inside my GPO I went to

Score: 1
CentOS /dev/mapper/centos partition consumes randomly more & more storage with time
in flag

On our CentOS 7.3.1611 system with installed MariaDB, httpd and Postfix the partition /dev/mapper/centos_srv01-root gets with more time more & more full.

  • For two days (2021-07-21) is the output from df -h: df -h output from 2021-07-21

  • The output from today: df -h output from 2021-07-23

We also recursively searched on the root directory for all files over 100MB. However, there were no differences between the two days. Although /dev/mapper/centos

Score: 0
Dani avatar
VPC firewall rule between load balancer and vms
cn flag

I've added some vpc firewall rules to prevent access to my load balancer - and allowed only specific ips. The rules seems to block traffic between the load balancer and the VMs. how can I set up a rule that allow all traffic between load balancer and vms ? I've tried with LB external ip but it doesn't work. Does the load balancer has internal ip ? where can I find it ? the "internal" default rule doesn' ...

Score: 0
Red Hat avatar
How to start multiple daemons of one service?
je flag

There is one (responsible for sending SMS) service(daemon) in Ubuntu 20.04, it is single-threaded, how can run multiple copies of this service(daemon), or make it multi-threaded?

Otherwise, for each project, I create one server with this service, which affects resources.

the thought of Docker or lxd/lxc comes to mind.

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.