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Score: 1
zfs pool status unstable
us flag

I've been running zfs pool on ubuntu problem free for years. currently on 20.04

since around beginning of this year I've had to replace 2 out of 4 disks and even then brand new disks started showing errors.

started scrubbing it weekly and the things were kinda stable. 20-50 errors read and/or write errors would appear on some disks and scrub would fix them.

few days ago however a disk was faulted for ...

Score: 0
Samuel Ives avatar
What exactly does the AWS Pay For What You Use policy mean?
cn flag

Well, I was fed up with the absurd host prices here in Brazil when I got to know AWS and the pay-as-you-go policy.

I recently started a course for the solution architect certification (SAA2), that's when I saw in the EC2 module that machines must be turned on/off/rebooted manually which worried me because I thought the way it charged was: If there are users accessing the machine it will be runnin ...

Score: 0
Ari avatar
Unable to create cloud tasks in GCP
eg flag

Not really sure where to get support for this or even report it, as basic support requires a monthly subscription.

Trying to set up Cloud Tasks but the page displays the below error:

enter image description here

Trying to create a queue just leads to the next error:

enter image description here

I have tried creating a new project and the error persists. The error quite non-descriptive so no clue how to proceed. I'm owner and org admin, so I have god-mode  ...

Score: 3
Sergio D avatar
message of "enter at least one recipient" on roundcube, when i have my mail server ok
pt flag

I recently installed roundcube and tried to use it, I have a web server (were I have that roundcube) and a mail server, with thunderbird in my client machine, I can use all mail users I made witouth problems, I can send and receive emails if i use thunderbird, but no with roundcube

Even when i can log in roundcube with a user without problems, and even receive mails send for him, i cant send any ...

Score: 0
Diego Somar avatar
Passenger not running (Ruby on Rails + Nginx)
ru flag

My AWS instance was working fine with my app. But, today, the server was down without memory ram. Then I run:

sync; echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
sudo service nginx start

After that, ram memory consumption is ok, but the app not. I'm running a Rails 4.2.1 website with Ruby 2.2.2 and nginx/1.8.0 in a Ubuntu 14 AWS instance.

When I access the site, I have the error:

502 Bad Gateway
Score: 0
xenrelay avatar
Routing inbound and outbound udp traffic to the same port in kubernetes
au flag

This is a follow-up to a prior question I asked, but with a different ask/approach. In case it matters, I'm on GKE, but I'm hoping there's a cloud-agnostic answer.

I'm trying to run the container factoriotools/factorio, but the application has some particular requirements due to the use of an application-specific public server listing function, as seen in many video games that use user-hosted servers. ...

Score: 0
How do routing rules from IPTables, IPVS, and NFTables get ordered from a precedent perspective, in the Linux kernel?
co flag

The Linux kernel has the ability to route traffic using nftables, iptables, and ipvs. Ive collected 3 related questions here, in order to generally ask the broader overall question of how precedence is determined with regard to kernel routing and firewalling rules:

  • In general, is there an order of precedence for when these load balancing / packet filtering constructs are ordered ?
  • NFT and iptables, ...
Score: 0
Stiofán avatar
Rsyslog only forwarding some log files to logstash
br flag

I have a client machine which forwards its log files to a central rsyslog server. I can see the logs on the central syslog server here:

root@server:/var/log# ls -al /var/log/client/
total 1952
drwxr-xr-x  2 syslog syslog    4096 Jun 19 07:06 .
drwxrwxr-x 14 root   syslog    4096 Jun 19 10:26 ..
-rw-r-----  1 syslog adm     324895 Jun 19 16:02 auth.log
-rw-r-----  1 syslog adm      31787 Jun 19 15:1 ...
Score: 0
siaimes avatar
How to correctly configure a host with two network interfaces so that the docker container can provide services normally?
us flag

My server has two network interfaces, so two IPs, one Internet IP, and one private address.

I added the following script to the /etc/iproute2/rt_tables:

252 enp0s3
251 enp0s8

And added the following script to the /etc/rc.local:

ip route add default via dev enp0s3 table enp0s3
ip rule add from table enp0s3

ip route add default via dev enp0s8 table enp0s8
Score: 0
bx1h3adend avatar
Nagios SNMPTT trap Logs issues
us flag

I had a quick question regarding the nagios snmptt trap logs. The traps arent coming through in the snmptt.log with proper date..its stuck on May 17th..

it has logs for all days till May 17.. It is still processing TODAY's snmptt trap logs as 17th may .

the time (16:33:39) keeps on changing , but date (Mon May 17) remains the same.


tail -f snmptt.log

Mon May 17 16:33:39 2021 . ...

Score: 0
DevOpsSauce avatar
Grafana false positive SNMP down
jp flag

NOTE: I also have Nagios running on another server that reports bandwidth warnings and up/down status. Not a single switch is alerting from this, only Grafana.

Grafana version 1.14.1

I was receiving alerts every minute of all switches reporting as down.


The metrics portion of the dashboard is:

up{instance="",job="snmp"} <--- same for all 12 switches that are polled

I was able to log  ...

Score: 0
anon avatar
Secondary DNS Server \ Domain controller
nz flag

I recently installed a secondary domain controller within my organization which also holds the DNS Role. If one DC goes down I would like all client machines to look for the secondary Domain controller. How can I remotely add the secondary DNS to all client machines without having to physically go to each client machine?

Score: 0
user3580480 avatar
Create a Windows Schedule Task via GPO to run as specified user
cn flag

I am trying to create a Scheduled Task via Group Policy (Computer Configuration\Preferences\Control Panel Settings\Scheduled Tasks), to run as a specified domain service account.

However, when Group Policy tries to create the task, it fails with the following error.

"Group Policy Object did not apply because it failed with error code '0x80070005 Access is denied."

Here is what the scheduled task looks  ...

Score: 0
Jorge avatar
SMTP postfix mail bounced host or domain name not found
cn flag

Hi i am new at this and i am trying to use telnet to send myself but i cant receive the mail because i get this problem i am using 2 machines with debian 10.9 one has dns and dhcp( and other has postfix ( here is my postfix conf i just want to send to myself an mail. I just want to send a mail to myself using telnet and be able to see it in /var/spool/mail thanks in advance for ...

Score: 0
Andy avatar
AWS Cloudfront is returning different responses for identical queries
cn flag

I have an API that is supposed to use accept a website header supplied by the client to respond differently depending on which website the request is for.

I have whitelisted this header in AWS Cloudfront. To my understanding this should mean that Cloudfront includes it in the cache key.

When I repeat identical curl calls to my endpoint I get different results back from Cloudfront.

The response head ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.