Latest Server related questions

Score: 2
What does ip addr add dev tun1 local remote mean?
jp flag

I found the following set of commands to open a tun device on linux that relays things to the internet. However, packets are not relayed back to the tun device

ip tuntap add dev tun1 mode tun user `id -un`
ip link set dev tun1 up
ip addr add dev tun1 local remote
iptables -t filter -I FORWARD -i tun1 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t filter -I FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLIS ...
Score: 0
fusione_2008 avatar
Get-EventLog -Log "Microsoft-Windows-Ntfs/Operational" fails with "does not exist"
ru flag

I am making a script that pulls all non-empty logs and saves them as either evtx, csv, or xml. I have got the script working for the base logs (application, security, system, etc.), and those that have spaces. However, I keep getting errors with any that have forward slashes (/) in them (e.g. Microsoft-Windows-Ntfs/Operational). I tried swapping the / out with dash, spaces, abbreviated, and underscores:  ...

Score: 1
ViajanDee avatar
How to connect from Ubuntu VM on Azure to another without uploading the private key
tw flag

My Topology

Two Ubuntu servers, the edge which is exposed to the internet, and the core which is only connected locally. Both are on the same subnet and the core only accepts SSH from the edge server. SSH Private keys are stored on my local computer I'm connecting from. I'm using a custom ssh port and MFA on both servers

What I want to achieve is to connect from my computer to the edge server via SSH and  ...

Score: 1
Manel R. Doménech avatar
Rsync or scp from/to a Docker containerized shell
id flag

I want users can access via ssh to a container. Or, more precisely: host users can access to a containerized shell. This could look strange, but it works:

$ cat /etc/passwd | grep staging

$ groups staging

staging : staging docker
$ cat /usr/local/bin/stagingclish 

cd /home/cloud/docker/myproject-staging && docker-co ...
Score: 1
Best practise: migrating multiple VMs and VHosts to Docker
sg flag

I currently have about 20 sites and applications hosted in AWS EC2. Some have their own EC2, whilst others share an EC2 with multiple virtual hosts on that EC2.

Each site is completely separate and unrelated from another. The ones which share an EC2 are generally much smaller with little traffic/resource requirement (hence the shared server).

I also have one EC2 server which is simply used to run ba ...

Score: 0
Mox avatar
Sharepoint deletes by users at times when users are offline
jp flag

Several users (myself included) have gotten "Heads up!" emails from Sharepoint, saying that a large volume of files have been deleted. The files have been deleted, and it's typically a lot of files, in a 15-minute burst. But it's also happening at times when the user is not online and not logged in. (I can say with some certainty--it happened on my computer at 615a, before I had even turned my computer  ...

Score: 1
codeScriber avatar
systemd kills my ngrok session started from python
in flag

I have a script i wrote that listens on mqtt. When certain code arrives to the mqtt server then an ngrok session is started like so:

subprocess.Popen(['/tmp/ngrok','http' ,'8080'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)

the scrupt runs in a virtualenv and there for has a shell script to activate the virtual env and run it:

. ./venv/bin/activate
Score: 0
user6758 avatar
Is it possible to block dhcp traffic using iptables?
it flag

I have two devices with embedded Linux. One of them (machine A) has two network interfaces: eth that is used to connect machines together and wlan interface to connect to router via WiFi. The second machine (B) has only one eth interface. My goal is to enable access to WiFi networks on machine B. I used some iptables rules to filter packets from machine A to machine B and it works. Now, I need to block  ...

Score: 0
Mario avatar
Certificate SNI and IIS host header
cn flag

Context: IIS website with hostname header configured and TLS certificate.

When a client initiates a connection to the specified site, is this the right flow ?

  • Client (browser) performs DNS lookup
  • TCP connection is established to the server
  • Client (browser) constructs the TLS payload where it include the SNI which is the site name and begins the handshake with the server
  • Server looks for the certi ...
Score: 1
Nikola avatar
iptables doesn't forward http traffic
cn flag

I am trying to create a captive portal, and the first thing to do is to redirect all traffic to specific IP:port.

I have tried:

iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination <my-ip>:<my-port>

Which works when trying to test out the redirect on the same device that acts as a hotspot. I understood that requests from other users go through the PREROUTING chain, so I did th ...

Score: 0
uQuad avatar
Connecting GNS3 with H3C-HCL
pl flag

I'm trying to connect GNS3 with HCL networking wise. My GNS3 runs a fortigate VM under VirtualBox VM mode, I think this i important to know. What I achieved is L2 communication via Microsoft Loopback, I can see mac-address from fortigate on my H3C switch. But there is no L3 comm. l3 kinda works when i connect these labs via Virtual boxes host only interface. But in this mode there is some weird loop goi ...

Score: 0
palpitation avatar
Can not detect CUDA device after restart Google Cloud Notebook
jp flag

This issue happened when I restarted my cloud notebook server today. Can be reproduced using the steps below:

  1. Create a Google Cloud Notebook server with Tensorflow or Pytorch and GPU

  2. After start the server, open the python console:

>>> import torch
>>> torch.cuda.is_available()

CUDA device is available until now.

  1. Restart the server, and open the notebook again.
>&gt ...
Score: 2
Damola avatar
Solaris 10 stuck at boot
ch flag

I have an old sparc T5220 server which had been running solaris 10 for sometime now. I ran some patches on the server and when i rebooted, it got stucked at

SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_153153-04 64-bit
Copyright (c) 1983, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Ethernet address = 0:21:28:13:4a:d6

When i tried booting using boot -sv , it stucked at

st2 at fp5: unit-address w5001438016052ea5,0: 20a00
s ...
Score: 0
Omi avatar
nginx location “~*” and "~" modifier not working in macOS
vn flag

I have the following nginx configuration:

server { 
  listen 80; 
  server_name localhost; 
  root /nginx-root/html/;

  location ~ \.(png|jpg|jpeg)$ {
    return 200 "OK1";

  location ~* \.(png|jpg|jpeg)$ {
    return 200 "OK2";

then I enter "curl http://localhost/nginx.PNG", and expected return "OK2", but actually is "OK1", Is there something wrong with my computer configuration?

Score: 0
Jason Krs avatar
How do you find allowed HTTP methods in openshift deployment
bj flag

In classical application deployment, one could query the web server with HTTP method "OPTIONS" to discover allowed HTTP methods

On an openshift application deployement, how could we get that information ? I tried querying URLs using "curl -XOPTIONS" but I only get CORS allowed method at most. In some cases, I dont get any results.

Is there a way to verify that information in the openshift configurat ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.