Latest Server related questions

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dywan666 avatar
Azure Virtual Desktop - can't login
hu flag

I need to set up Azure Virtual Desktop and everything is deployed but there is no possibility to log in. Created the host pool, Desktop Application Group and a workspace, then added users to the DAG and gave them the "Desktop Virtualization User" IAM role in the application group resource.

My domain controller is hosted in Azure with Azure AD Domain Services. When I try to log in to the virtual d ...

Score: 1
Eduardo Lucio avatar
UPI/Bare Metal - The master node cannot finish the installation ("config/master", "timeout awaiting response headers"/"EOF")
in flag

Simple question, but so far very difficult to answer... =-[

I am trying to deploy OpenShift (OKD) 4.5 or 4.7 as directed here Guide: Installing an OKD 4.5 Cluster. Look at the "Starting the control plane nodes" section.

I'm trying to create the cluster using an UPI (User Provisioned Infrastructure)/Bare Metal (KVM).


  • Version 4.5

The master node cannot finish installation after reboot. It kee ...

Score: 1
King David avatar
Kafka installation with Confluent vs Apache Kafka
gb flag

for now we have HDP 2.6.5 version , with Kafka cluster with Kafka version 0.1

all Kafka machines are installed on RHEL version 7.6

all machines with RHEL 7.6 are on DELL physical machines

we want to move to Apache Kafka or Confluent Platform

The Kafka that we need to use is for production , so we intend to install 5 Kafka machines

Now the big Question is:

What is better to use - Apache Kafka or Conflu ...

Score: 0
Mike Sherrill 'Cat Recall' avatar
In an Azure network security group, is denying all traffic before the "AllowVnetInbound" and "AllowAzureLoadBalancerInbound" rules good practice?
cn flag

Inbound rules for an Azure network security group

This set of Azure Network Security Group inbound rules came from a "best practice" blog.

I understand this to mean there isn't any way for any network traffic to pass the "DropAll" rule and reach the "AllowVNetInbound" rule. Do I understand that correctly?

I can imagine a few cases where you might want to deny all inbound traffic from the vNet, but I can't imagine why that would be considered a best p ...

Score: 0
When should I add multiple network endpoint groups to a backend service?
vn flag

When configuring a Google Cloud Load Balancer, I'm presented with the option to add multiple Network Endpoint Groups to my Backend Services.

A lot of the literature around Cloud Load Balancing focuses on the geographic distribution of request across identical services representing one boundary deployed across different locations.

Google Cloud documentation mentions that serverless Network Endpoin ...

Score: 0
AnjanaAK avatar
Activation of Windows 10 enterprise in an Azure VM
cl flag

I recently created an Azure VM using Windows 10 Enterprise 21H1 image. While creating, (since I was planning to buy a Microsoft 365 F3 license seperately to activate this VM) I confirmed this in licensing section: enter image description here

After finishing the deployment, I connected to it via RDP using the local administrator account. (Didn't added the F3 licence yet with an Azure AD user).

And when I checked the activation ...

Score: 0
Munchkin avatar
What is the best way to setup a network printer in an enterprise environment?
et flag

As far as I know the printers should get a static IP (with MAC and IP binding) assigned from the DHCP Server (in this case a router) so that the IP is taken from the DHCP IP pool.

An alternative to just setup a static IP on each printer manually got suggested.

Which option is the best? Is there an another option, which is even better?

Score: 2
mrv1337 avatar
Debian/Linux weird mdraid state
pl flag

Why is md1 state UU, md0 is U_ and md2 is _U?

nvme1n1 is broken here.

Can I safely replace nvme1n1 now?

You can see md2 state, nvme0n1p3 seems removed but nvme1n1p3 seems active. How can I safely replace the broken disk nvme1n1 here? What happend here?

Can I just clone /dev/nvme1n1p3 to /dev/nvme0n1p3? Or how can I simply resync raid in md2 array? /dev/nvme0n1p3 has a 2 month old state and current OS stat ...

Score: 1
Can I route using the leftmost portion of hostname with a wildcard for everything after?
vn flag

I have an application where I would like it to forward traffic based on the highest-order subdomain, rather than the full domain from right to left.

So for example, I have the domains:

  • mydomainone.fake
  • mydomaintwo.fake
  • subdomain.mydomainthree.fake

Is there any way that I could make the following all route to the same backend using a single rule like api.* (by way of the fact that they all start with

Score: 0
Return 444 Instead of 400
mt flag

If someone makes an http request to an https resource on my nginx server, they get an error 400. "The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port" Is there a way to return 444 instead?

When I search for this error, I can only find people that have had configuration issues they were trying to fix. But in my case, my configuration is fine - I'm trying to minimize impact of illegitimate requests.

Edit: I ...

Score: 0
CentOS 8 misses a significant amount of RAM on VPS
us flag

CentOS 8 is running on a VPS having 1GB RAM.

dmesg shows:

Memory: 216012K/1048040K available

So I believe BIOS sees 1,073,192,960 bytes. Then, as free -b reads, RAM has 997,236,736 bytes in total.

That way, we can see a gap 75,956,224=1,073,192,960-997,236,736 bytes. In other words, 72+ MiB of 'unusable' memory.

How to bring that memory back to OS? Or how to learn where it is 'hidden?'

BTW, kdump is disab ...

Score: 1
Dynamic Windows 10 AppLocker rules for user groups not working
jp flag

I'm trying to make dynamic app blocking rules with AppLocker. The setup is that I have predefined AppLocker rules (for example, Allow windows user group 'Chrome' access 'chrome.exe' (not actual group name or actual path)) and then assigned users to groups at login with the help of a Windows service.

That worked fine at first, but after a while it stopped (AppLocker itself worked, but user groups specifi ...

Score: 0
krzysiexp avatar
Lambda with VPC long cold start
in flag

I have few lambda functions that are connecting to Mongo Atlas cluster. Connection between Mongo Atlas and my AWS account is done via VPC Peering. Lambda functions are attached to this VPC.

I'm experiencing long cold starts of Lambdas, it's taking around 10 seconds for lambda to respond with VPC, and around 1-2 seconds without VPC. Based on changes that AWS made some time ago ( ...

Score: 1
QF0 avatar
'socat' not displaying incoming UDP packets, but Wireshark does
gu flag

The link is an image of a Wireshark dump of an incoming 60-byte Ethernet frame which contains a UDP packet. The packet payload is the single word 'hello' (sorry, I don't have enough rep to paste the image directly).

Problem: I can't get socat or nc to read and display this packet (this isn't entirely true; see #1 below).

I run the reader as:

$ socat UDP: -

I've tried various diffe ...

Score: 0
Oracle 18c XE can't backup PDB database after corruption of the main XE database
in flag

I have an Oracle 18c XE server where there is a corruption in the system01.dbf file of the main XE database.

All user data is in a PDB database which luckily seems ok (the PDB is working in production now).

The problem is that I can't make a backup of the PDB with expdp, because expdp fails with this error:

UDE-00604: operation generated ORACLE error 604
ORA-00604: errore riscontrato in SQL ricorsi ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.