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client ip behind nginx reverse proxy
in flag

I'm running an nginx reverse proxy to be able to run multiple servers behind my firewall. I noticed on my (Kerio) mail server the error log is filled with "failed login from < local ip of nginx >" and I was wondering how can I set it so I get the remote IP of the person/bot that is trying to login so I might use that information for auto blocking those addresses (for example)?

This is my cu ...

Score: 0
Aeternal avatar
Linux Networking - How to dynamically filter network packets within short time range
cl flag

I am trying to find a solution to dynamically filter network packets with strict timing constraints and based on a IP list on a Linux Operating System

I cannot install additional software of modify kernel or libraries to add modules to iptables for example

I have an equipment that receive too much network packet and I need to find a way to filter network packets dynamically with a 200ms cycle.

For exam ...

Score: 0
QF0 avatar
iptables DNAT change not showing up in Wireshark
gu flag

I want to re-route all incoming traffic on interface ens4f0 to IP address, but Wireshark is showing that the destination IP address on incoming packets is unchanged. Is this the expected behaviour? I thought PREROUTING got in before anything else?

My iptables command is:

# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ens4f0 -j DNAT --to
# iptables -t nat -vL
Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT ...
Score: 0
How do I get one Dell PowerEdge R720 network interface up?
ve flag

I have a Dell PowerEdge R720 and it only has one place in the back to plug in a network cable. But it has 5 possible network interfaces:

picture of ip link show

But they are all DOWN when i run ip link show

I've tried adding a file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ for each interface, tried setting the IP manually vs using DHCP, but nothing seems to work.

I run systemctl restart NetworkManager wh ...

Score: 1
VM in proxmox shows more RAM then assigned?
cn flag

I assigned 10Gb of ram to my VM but inside the VM it mentions that it has allocated all the ram available in my server (48). Why is this happening? I have a windows VM aswell and there it just shows what I actually set it up with.

Settings picture

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HaProxy accept-proxy + send-proxy does really connect
br flag

My current implementation is as follow:

  1. In front, an AWS Load Balancer (Network TCP/UDP type) on dual-stack, that redirects to a fleet of EC2 instances
  2. These EC2 instances are running HaProxy to receive the requests to a list of processes
  3. The list of processes are aiosmtpd instances (from Python).

Since the purpose is to connect via SMTP, I need to know the Client's IP, but I also need to send the  ...

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Z D avatar
how to do 301 redirects from old site to new
in flag

I have a website which is on Wordpress and on its own IP/Server

It has various pages which are ranked on google which I'd like to preserve.

I have a new website which is configured using APACHE2 Vhosts and is also on its own IP/Server

How do I do 301 redirects? Do I do the 301 redirects in Wordpress on or do I change its ...

Score: 0
Website using wrong URL after proxing though Nginx
cn flag

This is my first time using nginx and I'm finding this situation quite puzzling. My website is hosted at and in order to reach the backend, requests are routed though nginx as a reverse proxy. After processing through nginx, the URL changes to the URL of the nginx server ( instead of being the URL of the website.

The flow looks something like this: -> ...

Score: 0
Local windows clients can't reach Azure IaaS Domain Controller
kr flag

At work, we wanted to migrate our domain controller to an azure VM.

Azure AD and Azure AD DS doesn't fulfill our needs. Like GPO etc..

Well, let's say : I had 3 windows clients : CL1 (win10), CL2(win10), CL3(win7) and my domain controllers are : OnPremDC - ip : || AzureDC - ip :

What I did first was to join CL1,CL2,CL3 to OnPremDC, so I changed the DNS settings manually of each cl ...

Score: 1
Patoshi パトシ avatar
Allow files to be listed when viewing a directory but protected (via HTTP authentication) when accessed directly
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I created a password protected directory using .htaccess and .htpasswd, but the files don't show up when I go to the directory URL.

I have this in my .htaccess:

#Protect multiple files
<FilesMatch "^(.*).csv$">
AuthName "Dialog prompt"                                                                                                                                                                     ...
Score: 1
DevSRE avatar
Windows 10 UEV VDI - One Program fails to save settings for one user
ru flag

could use a pointer on this one.

We have UEV setup in a VMWare Horizon 7 environment. Settings Storage Location is on a FreeBSD based NAS that is bound to AD. We have a situation where ONE user's settings for PuTTY do not upload to the settings storage location. Saved settings apply without issue. I can modify the pkgx elsewhere, copy it to their settings storage location, and they get the change ...

Score: 0
Selective forward proxy for testing
ch flag

I have a very specific testing situation where I want to use a forward proxy like so:

Client -> Forward Proxy 1 -> Forward Proxy 2 (WireMock)
                          -> Internet

Forward Proxy 1 would be responsible for forwarding requests for a whitelist of (destination) hosts to Forward Proxy 2 (WireMock), which may send back a mock response or may proxy further  ...

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jim7475 avatar
How to query UCS network fabric information inside the OS?
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On the Cisco UCS www page for the given POD, I can see what Fabric is used for a given vNIC.

But how can I query inside, from the OS (ex.: SLES12 or Windows server) what ethX (NIC) if from/via which network Fabric? ("A" or "B")

Or there is no tool that I can run inside the ex.: SLES OS to query these kinds of infos?

Not talking about the ...

Score: 0
The no-load-balancer alternative
cn flag

I'm working on a project where clients exchange data with services. We designed a proxy between the service and the client that anonymizes the user's data so anyone breaching into the database would only get a massive amount of useless data.

Of course, our proxy layer needs to scale, so we put it behind a load balancer using k8s.

The problem is: the Load Balancer is currently the SPOF (single point  ...

Score: 0
Chris Hammond avatar
Azure Graph - Graph query to retrieve App Service Plan (Microsoft.Web/serverfarms) CPU%
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I need to do some consolidation on my company's Azure estate, especially around App Service Plans.

In the past, we would typically create a new App Service Plan for each service we deployed as this would aid us with departmental cross-charging as each ASP would be tagged with each department's cost code.

We now have a massive sprawl of ASPs and I suspect none of them are probably running anywhere ne ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.