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Badnja avatar
Apache redirects - issue with redirects in query string
gp flag

I have lots of apache permanent redirects for site that look like this:

Redirect 301 /old-path

When the path doesn't match any old path, it redirects to root like this:

Redirect 301 /

As you can see, there has to be this part at the end of url:

?utm_source ...
Score: 1
linux SFTP client fails to connect
cn flag

I am attempting to connect a Centos7 linux server to a SFTP site for the intent of pulling files. The linux server is a Google Compute Engine (Virtual Machine). When connecting from my Google CE linux to the SFTP Server, I get the below error:

[Server1@airflow-pipeline User1]$ sftp [email protected]
Permission denied (password).
Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer
[Server1@airflow-pip ...
Score: -1
AminMZ avatar
use external webserver in local Active Directory
us flag

i have a local active directory domain (for example : ) and i have a website hosted with same domain name in a shared server . i can't access my website in local network. i have added a www A record for website but redirects to and there still unavailable in local network. what should i do in cPanel or my windows server ?

Score: 0
IamBlueSlime avatar
GCP's autoscaler fails to scale NodePool with Ephemeral Storage
cn flag

We have a NodePool dedicated to CI agents. When everything works properly, our CI controller will create a pod for a CI agent, and the NodePool will be scaled automatically by GCP's autoscaler. This means that the pods will have the following event saying that no nodes match their affinities:

0/3 nodes are available: 3 node(s) didn't match Pod's node affinity/selector.

And the new Nodes will eventually ...

Score: -1
Change requests to arrive at loopback address under specific port
in flag

I have the following setup:

  1. A Vodafone GigaCube providing internet access
  2. A couple of DYMO LabelWriter Printers connected through a switch to the GigaCube
  3. A Laptop thats connected to the gigacube network running the DYMO webservice
  4. A phone thats also connected to the gigacube network
  5. A Website that uses the DMYO JavaScript SDK to send a request to the webservice on

What I'm trying to do: Pr ...

Score: 0
Nicolò avatar
Router [ER-X] as WireGuard Client to hide Office IP on Debian Server. Cannot bind to WireGuard IP from the server
de flag

Dear ServerFault community

I have a problem with my WireGuard Tunnel overall configuration.

I have an OVH VPS with 4 public IPs (MY_PUBLIC) acting as a WireGuard server and forwarding all the traffic (and ports) to my EdgeRouter-X router ( (which acts as a WireGuard client) and that, then, forwards it to my Debian server (

The problem is that when on the Debian server I tr ...

Score: 0
routing connection trough bridge to a gsm modem
ar flag

I have a linux box with gsm modem on interface wwan0 which is managed by network manager, and I want to give it a static ip, the idea is to use a bridge and a veth interface with set ip address.

I'm unsure on how to setup routes so that packet will go trough vlnk1 and out of wwan0.

the overall goal is to connect to contact a server on the internet.

Currently what I have looks like this:

linux < ...
Score: 0
Ameya Kalyankar avatar
How to set up DNS on google domains to host tomcat websites on the internet
us flag

Excpectations / Target

  • We have a domain as (say) bought on Google Domains and a PC running with windows 10 Pro
  • We intend to make this PC a server for hosting 2 of our web-apps app1 and app2 Currently we do not own a static IP address so lets refer the public address as:
  • Web-applications app1 and app2 are running on tomcat in separate app-bases and port 8081 & 8082
  • We wan ...
Score: -2
Specify different broadcast IPs for different Windows machines
br flag

I run some high-frequency trading software from home across multiple accounts. Sometimes during very volatile conditions, I run into issues with rate limits restricted by IP address.

I was assuming I could get a batch of IP addresses, which I've done, and split the accounts across different computers to reduce the likelihood of hitting rate limits.

Is there a way I can assign a public IP to be used  ...

Score: 0
Oliver Karger avatar
traefik - BasicAuth
vn flag

Problem: I wan't to implement basic Auth on some entrypoints (e. g.: Traefik Dashboard, Prometheus), but i can't get it to work

Context: I've got a bunch of Docker Containers running between a Traefik Proxy. (GitLab, Grafana, HomeAssistant, Prometheus, Min.IO, influxdb, jaeger etc.) and i want to make sure some of the Services are secured using Traefik' BasicAuth Middleware


  do ...
Score: -1
I have Two Ubuntu 22 Servers which One is the Master and the other is backup. I want to install a Mail Server with IAT. Which one is the best
us flag

I have Two Ubuntu 22 Servers which One is the Master and the other is backup. I want to install a Mail Server with IAT. Which one is the best

Score: 0
Johannes B. Latzel avatar
Powershell Remoting with local Administrator in Domain
cf flag

I would like to establish Powershell remote sessions to domain members by using their local administrator for authentication. Let's say I have a host called "server1" in the domain "test.local". If I connect with "test.local\myadmin" I can establish a remote session and it is just fine, but if I connect using "server1\Administrator" using the correct local admin password I get the error code 0x80090311. ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.