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Contiv-vswitch pod restarts when new node joins the cluster
us flag

I am facing one issue in contiv vpp cni

  1. Create k8s cluster with one master and one worker node using contiv vpp as k8s cni plugin.
  2. Launch any pod like ngnix.
  3. Join new worker node in the cluster.
  4. Contiv-vswitch pod getting restarted in master and old worker node. How to avoid it ? Can anyone please help ?
Score: 0
AWS OpenVpn "Connection failed. Try again" - Exception (0x80004005)
in flag

I have been unable to connect through the AWS OpenVPN client for quite some time. When I click connect, the message "Connection failed. Please try again." I found a similar case on other forums and tried different solutions:

  1. I reinstalled the client. I permanently removed the AWS Vpn client with roaming directories and registries using RevoUninstaller (multiple times).
  1. I switched to the latest versio ...
Score: 0
Danielle M. avatar
Google GCE VM - how to kill VMs if startup script fails
ie flag

We launch workloads in GCE using Managed Instance Groups (MIG), which oversee the lifecycle and health of these VMs.

New VMs are provisioned with a startup script (bash), which, on rare occasions, fails in some way. However, the VM is still able to start, launch it's workload, and pass it's health checks.

Is there some setting in GCE / MIGs that says "if the init script does not execute successfully ...

Score: 0
Iduoad avatar
How to get items DynamoDB table using CDK
br flag

I am creating a Stack using CDK, and I store my user Data in DynamoDB.

What I want to do is to create some resources for each user using CDK. After a quick search I found out about AwsCustomResource.

Here is what I tried:

const customResource = new cdk.custom_resources.AwsCustomResource(this, 'aws-custom', {
      onCreate: {
        service: 'DynamoDB',
        action: 'scan',
        parameters: {
Score: -2
Pakuss avatar
Windows 10 random time outs
cn flag

I recently started experiencing the issue that my internet just randomly "cuts out". At home I have a DSL Router and a Repeater, all from the same brand (Fritz!). The repeater is wirelessly connected to the router and added to a mesh. I am locally connected to my repeater with a RJ45 cable, directly connected to my motherboard NIC. I started experiencing the problem like a week ago, and what I did to fi ...

Score: 0
Rohit Verma avatar
TCP slow start and duplicate ack
au flag

In TCP slow start, what happens when 3 duplicate ack is received. I am aware of the recovery process in congestion avoidance, however I read a blog post that if 3 duplicate acks are received in slow start, TCP perform fast recovery. I was under the impression that whether it is RTP or 3 dup ack, in slow start, TCP fall back to initial cwnd value.

"The final way in which slow start can end is if  ...

Score: -2
Eric Nord avatar
General Processing Error IKEv2 on Windows 10
ug flag

General Processing Error IKEv2 on Windows 10

Will not establish VPN connection.

Score: 0
user3621726 avatar
mtls configuration in NGINX - upstream chain validation
us flag

I have several questions regarding the mtls configuration in NGINX:

When configuring with ngx_http_proxy_module, to verify upstream certificate, does upstream's TLS chain have to be stored in a cert which is used in proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate property? or just the Root CA certificate? or intermediary and root?

The server's TLS chain looks approximately like this:

0 - A cert for a company's domain, i ...

Score: 0
Group Policy scheduled task for running .bat file applies, but task does not create
tc flag

I am trying to add a scheduled task to run a batch file that updates / installs software. I created a GPO to create the task, using these settings:

Task Settings

Task settings 2

Task settings 3

For one of them, I am using item level targeting to only apply to one group. But this issue is happening with both. I also have tried using both User Configuration and Computer Configuration, with the same se ...

Score: 21
What is the difference between and
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In the history, I mostly used for "match every IP address". Recently, I saw a subnet filter.

What is the difference between and and what's the practical use of

Score: 0
ADY avatar
RAID10 Performance on newer hardware slower then RAID5 performance on older hardware?
ph flag

I am currently trying to figure out a performance issue with a new server compared to a old server. Performance should be better but it's not and I'm having trouble figuring out why.

Old server is a Dell R640 (2x Xeon Gold 5218, 128Gb RAM) with a PERC H740P Mini and 8Gb cache. 6x Samsung Pm1645 1.6Gb 12Gb/s SAS mixed use enterprise SSDs in a RAID 5 virtual disk

New server is a Dell R650 (2x Xeon G ...

Score: 0
Routing all Traffic through a VPN Node while accepting incoming WAN Connections
br flag

I want to route all traffic through another VPN-Node, while:

  • Keep the Connection to the VPN-Server active (already works)
  • Still accepting WAN-Connections on that Client.

My Client Node Configuration:

# WAN IP of VPN-Server
# WAN Gateway of Client
# Internal VPN Server IP (not used below)
# VPN Gatway for the Client (The gatway itself is also an Client)

ip r ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.