Latest Server related questions

Score: 2
Guiomar Raissa avatar
Adding custom headers on error responses from haproxy
np flag

I have the following haproxy config that adds the access-control-allow-origin header on successful 200 requests with the below config. My problem is, when I hit timeouts or haproxy itself (not my upstream server) throws an error for some other reason, this header doesn't get added. How do I add this header on e.g. 504 responses as well?

        log /dev/log    local0
        log /dev/log    local1  ...
Score: 0
Piyush B avatar
effect of fail_timeout and max_fails in upstream in nginx
ng flag

I have a public facing nginx server acting as reverse proxy for an on-premises upstream server. I have two ISP providers so I want nginx to failover to the backup ISP whenever primary ISP fails.


  • I want to failover to backup line at the very first connection problem.
  • Whenever the failover happens, I want to stick to the backup line(if backup line is functional) for 30s before retying primary lin ...
Score: -1
Lennard K avatar
Firewall failover internal ip
br flag

I have multiple servers at my data center and i want to switch to pfsense, but i don't know if it can automatically fall over to the second server that is a mirror from the first server.

So if the first server crashed or is shut off pfsense must detect that it is no longer online and switch to the second server.

if pfsense cannot to this is there a firewall that can do it?

(I also like to know if pfsense  ...

Score: 0
Simone avatar
How can I SSH locally into a server that is using a VPN?
ee flag

How can i access locally through ssh to my orange pi that is running under a vpn provider? I attach a draw how it is build the infrastructure, it's a simple hose connection. The orange pi has a static ip, and it has ufw enabled, the only ip allowed to access is the static ip of my computer. example

Score: 0
Dmitry Tarasov avatar
How to exit from telnet in xterm (ctrl+], ctrl+'+', ctrl+d) don't work
ml flag

Can't exit from telnet while connected to host. Commands like (Ctrl+], Ctrl+'+', Ctrl+D) etc. don't work. I have tried all the suggestions from keyboard shortcut to quit 'telnet'. Are there any other options available?

Score: 0
user6354238 avatar
what is required to setup on email server to accept relay email from postfix installed on diff VM
US flag

[ServerA+postfix] --relay email--> [] --send email--> (

I need to set up an email alert sent from ServerA to the intended recipients mainly residing in the company domain. To achieve that, I installed Postfix in ServerA to relay the email to an external SMTP server and send the email to the users. I've configured the Postfix to r ...

Score: 0
AA_89 avatar
spoolsv.exe CPU issues on new server
kn flag

Similar to @Tomviv's post 1117360, but I can't comment or message the user who raised it as this is a new account for the sake of this issue.

We installed a new DC Server for a client hosting 2 print share queues. I am familiar with Print Nightmare and have deployed printers before on multiple networks by enabling point and print settings and I have allowed drivers to be installed from the specif ...

Score: 0
Dimitrios Desyllas avatar
How I can use the CPU usage as load balancing weight?
fr flag

I have the following infrastructure:
enter image description here

Infrastructure is N apps that connect into a master-slave replication schema for Postgresql databases located upon amazon RDS. I use rotated weighted DNS using a private zone in Route53 AWS where I use it to direct the connection to either master or slave for load balancing.

What I want though is a more fine-grained control upon connection via using the CPU usage  ...

Score: 0
Marc Johnen avatar
SSD Software-Raid-0 Ubuntu not as fast as expected
lv flag

I have an MB ASRock B650 Phantom with two SSD 1TB Samsung 990 PRO m.2 PCIe 4 drives. I set them up in a software Raid-0 with lukscrypt on Ubuntu. The SSD should reach 7.450 MB/s reading, in my naivety I expected almost twice the speed in a RAID-0, but a benchmark shows a maximum of 7200 MB/s.

What am I missing? Is there an other limiting factor? Can I improve the speed somehow?

enter image description here

Score: 0
arthur k avatar
Make Apache 2.4 folder visible in File Explorer for local Network
ec flag

I have a site hosted on a Apache 2.4 server. Is there a way to make a particular folder on that site, like /var/www/uploads/, visible in File Explorer for people in the local Network, so they can upload files to that folder by copy & pasting?

Score: 0
ml_kalju avatar
Debian - How to prevent file corruption on power loss?
bs flag

I have a Debian based OS, and I am creating a program that have support for upgrading itself. The program is ran on system-level as a systemd service.

I have a problem when I update the software, which in practice means replacing some files on /opt/myApp/ folder (home of all my application code) and replacing systemd service unit file /etc/systemd/system/my_service.service. After this I run systemctl dae ...

Score: 0
Abdelmalek Awayni avatar
Unable to exec or to get pod logs: Tunnel Closed
re flag

We are experiencing some issues with our GKE cluster. Here are the error messages we encountered:

  1. When running the command kubectl logs -f pod_name, we received the following error: "Error from server: Get 'https://x.x.x.x:10250/containerLogs/default/xxx': tunnel closed."

  2. Similarly, when trying to execute a command inside the pod using kubectl exec -it pod_name -- /bin/bash, we encountered the  ...

Score: 0
Hannes Oberberger avatar
Automatically delete log files with JBoss CLI for Wildfly application
pf flag

I want to automatically delete my Wildfly logs after a certain period of time (e.g. 3 days). As I am running my application in a container which has no access to crontab, I want to do this via a JBoss Cli. I have already tried the following command, but the option seems not to be supported:

/subsystem=logging/periodic-rotating-file-handler=FILE:write-attribute(name=max-backup-index, value=3)

Do you ha ...

Score: 2
Windows 10 - Scripting setting: "Use Previous Version of Microsoft IME"?
in flag

We're deploying a fleet of full screen browser based kiosks on Win10. They need to have multilanguage functionality. I've managed to script most of the setup, but there's an annoying problem: The new version of the Chinese and Japanese IMEs only want to exist on the system tray, which gets hidden by our full screen browser.

There's a number of settings that can change the Language Bar to an al ...

Score: 0
radiorz avatar
promtool tsdb create-blocks-from openmetrics doesnt show
hn flag

I have a file like

# HELP process_cpu_user_seconds_total Total user CPU time spent in seconds.
# TYPE process_cpu_user_seconds_total counter
process_cpu_user_seconds_total{NODE_APP_INSTANCE="undefined",instance="",job="my_server"} 3.938 1689042066
# HELP process_cpu_system_seconds_total Total system CPU time spent in seconds.
# TYPE process_cpu_system_seconds_total counter
process_cpu ...
Score: 0
donkeyx avatar
ceph - is a drive mapping change recoverable /dev/sdi /dev/sdj
na flag

I was testing drive hot plugging on my server, and unplugged one of the drives, then plugged it back in. Though, when plugged back in the drive letter changed from /dev/sdj to /dev/sdl. Now ceph will not start the osd daemon, and I am wondering if there is a way to either, redirect the ceph osd to the new drive letter, or, do i need to wipe and re-add the drive?

I can also see the volume for ceph whi ...

Score: 0
Liam Chaney avatar
DNS Zone File returns Error about my A records. Bind9 Ubuntu 22.04
cv flag

I am trying to setup a guest ubuntu 22.04 DNS/DHCP server on a ProxMox Host. My error message when running

I have my domain registered via cloudfare ("Not shown in the file", and the domain can return a positive dig result when cloudfare is one of my nameservers") So this is supposed to be a local domain, until I can configure my internet facing router (weird situation).

sudo named-checkzone example.l ...
Score: 0
Stevo avatar
open vpn iptables script intermittantly failing
fk flag

I am new to vpn setup and iptables and i have a basic understanding of networking, but am by no means a networking expert.

I am setting up a openvpn router so that i have remote access to the plc's that sit behind the router. I am doing this with the openvpn cloud service Cloud Connexa. Locally, the plc's have ip addresses in the 192.168.1.* range. When I access the devices remotely i would like  ...

Score: 0
Gustavo Cruz avatar
Exception when trying to connect Eureka Server with Config Server in Docker Compose ("Connection refused")
co flag

I have created a Eureka Server and a Config Server and I am trying to get the Euketa Server properties that are in the Config.

I'm trying to dockerize these two services and for that I created a docker-compose.yml, but when I run the containers the Eureka Server is throwing a "Connection refused" exception. The config-server is starting normally, but the eureka server is throwing an exception.

When  ...

Score: 0
AHS avatar
Can we have unencrypted messages in middle of RDP traffic?
sg flag

I have a pcap containing RDP traffic that uses TLSv1.2 to encrypt the traffic. I noticed that somewhere in the middle of the RDP traffic, specially after sending many encrypted messages between the client and the server, I noticed that suddenly there was a message sent from the client to the server that wasn't encrypted, it is very similar to the first unencrypted message sent in RDP (TPTK message), als ...

Score: 0
dextoruz avatar
Spot instance windows auto login in User Data using Boto3
us flag

I want to launch a Windows spot instance on AWS with a specific AMI and launch the instance and run PowerShell command. The problem i am facing issue is that, when the instance is launched, it shows "Running" on the EC2 dashboard but the Windows was not logged in as I have already given the username and password of a local user in User Data. When I login into the server, the script starts running. But  ...

Score: 1
user3271408 avatar
Two systems not showing in Windows Event Collector
cn flag

I built a Windows Event Collector for the first time in our domain. The Collector server is Windows Server 2022. All the systems forwarding to it are Server 2019. The subscription is specifically for AppLocker logs (I plan to expand this in the future, but this is where I started). The collection is source initiated. I have 11 systems showing up in the source computers under the subscriptions, and confi ...

Score: -1
865296 avatar
"[Errno 2] No such file or directory: b'net'" when trying to use Ansible localhost to connect to a Windows Shared Folder
pg flag

I am unable to use Ansible localhost (Linux) to connect to a shared folder on a Windows Server.

I am getting [Errno 2] No such file or directory: b'net'. However, I have checked that my file path to the shared folder is correct, so I am not sure how to resolve this error.

The shared folder task as written in my playbook:

- name: Connect to shared folder
  command: net use * '\\\mixeddoc ...
Score: 0
SEFL avatar
Postfix - forwarding mail to an external email address
bh flag

I'm not normally a Linux server guy: I'm a .NET programmer. However, I inherited a situation where there's a website hosted on a Linux server using Postfix on Webmin. They have several aliases set up, but none to external email addresses.

I tried setting one up as a test. I set up testing to forward test to Then I sent an email from another email address to test@dom ...

Score: 0
Androidquery avatar
Remote desktop services licensing activation and errors for windows server 2022?
US flag

Question Remote desktop services licensing activation and errors for windows server 2022?

Setup history In my small coaching institue computer lab with 25pc. 15 pc are Independet desktops and 10 are thin client ncomputing (remote desktop) diskless CPU less.

i had made I7 server machine have installed Multi booting with windows server 2022 evaluation installed with programming and multimedia application fo ...

Score: 0
sebastian avatar
openvpn - iptables or nftables
cn flag

Iptables has been around for a long time, but nftables seems to be picking up steam. I've noticed in newer distributions of Kubernetes images (aws, etc) no longer have the iptables kernel module baked into them. I run Openvpn from a kubernetes pod, and as the underlying host's kernel doesn't have the iptables kernel module baked into it, i'd have to do my own custom image.

I'm trying to debate wh ...

Score: 0
PattMauler avatar
How to troubleshoot PXE boot from DD-WRT dnsmasq not sending tftp server info?
bf flag

I have a MikroTik hEXs router (firmware v6.47.1) which I want to flash with OpenWRT. The OpenWRT wiki site has detailed instructions on the procedure, and it requires that one netboot the router. My problem is that I can't get the hEXs router to reach out to my tftp server for some reason.

To act as the PXE boot host, I've setup dnsmasq on my currently in-use DD-WRT router and set the dhcp-boot

Score: 1
Roman avatar
Does anyone know of a program or script to show which route is being used for an IP address?
us flag

In Windows (say Windows 10), I'd like to put in an address, and then the relevant line from the routing table is shown (if any). So, pretend you are pinging an address and the computer processes the routing table and figures out which route to use. It would also be nice for the program to show which of the various network adapters/interfaces it would use. That way, if I suspect there is a routing issue, ...

Score: 0
zoot avatar
nginx config for SEO friendly Laravel setup
kr flag

I wasn't able to find an immediate solution to the 3rd item, below, so once I'd worked it out, I thought it would be helpful to post my general config for Laravel in order to help others searching for the same.

These settings would suit sysadmins seeking an SEO friendly Laravel setup. It isn't an exhaustive example; just a bare bones config to meet the requirements below. Fill in the remainder yo ...

Score: 0
trinsic avatar
Managing Cloud-Based Large File Repository For A Team
ph flag

I have been asked to handle some issues around a Dropbox team folder that is about 80gigs in data 75,000 files on 9,000 folders that often has sync conflict issues, or situations where files get moved around and causes headaches for the team.

The main problem is that every once in a while, when a new device gets attached to the Dropbox folder, something happens where a copy of that folder gets cr ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.