
Compress a folder to a .tar file in Ubuntu 20.04 via GUI

be flag

In the past, I had an option to compress to .tar file from Nautilus. How can I do that with Ubuntu 20.04? I did not expect new distros progress backward in features.

I am not after a command line solution. I want an options on GUI.

compress ubuntu 20.04

muru avatar
us flag
`.tar` files aren't compressed. They're merely archives, which are then compressed using gzip, xz, or whatever.
Keith5001 avatar
pw flag
Start Archive Manager from the menu or type file-roller in command line. Its all done from a separate app called Archive Manager. It does not use Nautilus. There are over 20 compress option plus only tar
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
You can use Caja file-manager instead of Nautilus or whole MATE desktop instead of GNOMEs Hell.
pw flag

Archive Manager

Install file-roller via

sudo apt install file-roller

Start Archive Manager from menu. Or on command line as file-roller

mercury avatar
be flag
installing `file-roller` does not change the menu archiving application to `file-roller`. So, it will act as before. Command line is a no-no solution. I want it back in GUI otherwise you can use `tar ...` command.

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